Hi Caroline,

One of the things that Ryan and Sandeep have found out during the course of
talking to various educators is how this technology (both hardware and
software) will work with existing curriculum.

I'm working with the Squeakland education team in developing a baseline
curriculum integration of Etoys for 4th graders. I took on the task of doing
it for the subjects: Social Studies (Geography, Economics, History, Civics)
and Health, but can expand this in other subjects. In the next few months my
work will be tailoring some of these projects to the Philippine curriculum
and will include the use of Sugar activities and apps as well. This will be
useful in future pilots and deployments as guidance is critical when we deal
with rigid curriculum in some (if not most) of the classrooms.

I know you've work extensively on the use of Sugar in the classroom and my
team and I are hoping for your help and guidance on this as we develop our
lesson plans.

P.S. I started a FlossManual called SugarEtoysCurriculum and would be
populating it in the next few months. I hope to get contributions from the
community on this. Take care all!
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