Hi Shaina! I am also in the Bay Area (San Jose to be exact). I would so love
to meet you before I leave for North Carolina on the 22nd of this month.
Let's see if we can get some synergy going between our groups.

Ekindling has a couple of fundraising events planned before the year ends
that we really need help on if you're interested in helping. Please send me
a PM:cwith...@ekindling.org <pm%3acwith...@ekindling.org>

Thank you for your interest and support.

On Jul 12, 2010 4:42 PM, "Shaina Tantuico" <shaina.tantu...@gmail.com>

Hi folks,

I'm Shaina Tantuico, a wannabe grant writing volunteer. I'm based in the Bay
Area but will be moving back to Manila close to the end of the year.

I'm a curriculum nerd and a licensed educator in 43 states for K-6, but I've
also written a few grants for start up pre schools.

Right now, I'm a part of a small start up called JeepNeed, a mobile science
and technology lab for rural public high schools. We are looking at
launching our pilot in Batangas next school year.

I currently have a flexible and unpredictable amount of time while im still
in the Bay, but I have a lot of energy I'm willing to donate.

Looking forward to meeting the eKindling team on this side of the coast.


Shaina Tantuico
Educator and Earring Maker
mobile. 4154399757

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