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> El 9 feb. 2016, a las 6:27 p.m., Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com> 
> escribió:
> == Sugar Digest ==
> Ten days ago, my mentor and friend Marvin Minsky passed away. As one of the 
> co-founders of the field of Artificial Intelligence, his passing has been 
> widely covered by the press and many notable colleagues has blogged about his 
> numerous intellectual contributions. I have little to add regarding his 
> contributions to AI, although I had the pleasure of many conversations with 
> him about the ideas he discusses in Society of Mind and The Emotion Machine.
> Perhaps less well known are some of Marvin's writing on learning. He was a 
> long-time colleague of Seymour Papert and made significant contributions to 
> Logo and the core ideas of Construtionism. (He built one of the first Logo 
> "turtles" and, along with Ed Fredkin, invented the digital synthesizer, which 
> he interfaced to Logo.) While I was at One Laptop per Child, I commissioned 
> him to write some essays on learning (See [1]). Alas, we will never get to 
> read the final four essays in the series (Future Essays).
> Spending time with Marvin was always a pleasure: the range of topics 
> discussed, the challenging of every assumption and convention, the 
> unquenchable curiosity, and the generosity with ideas, critique, and 
> reflection is in my experience unmatched.
> I promise to take the time to share some recollections from our time together 
> over the coming months, beginning here with a scenario I saw repeated on 
> numerous occasions. In the days of overhead projectors, when Marvin would 
> give a lecture he would (I always presumed deliberately) drop his slides on 
> the floor as he approached the projector. He'd then look down, pick one up 
> seeming at random, put it on the projector, and then dive into a fascinating 
> discourse, not necessarily on topic, but always well worth the time and 
> attention of his audience. Marvin was always at his best when he was 
> unleashed.
> Marvin had a beautiful mind and a beautiful spirit. He is dearly missed.
> 1. A warm welcome to the new Sugar Labs oversight board: Walter Bender; 
> Lionel Laské; Adam Holt; Sameer Verma; Claudia Urrea; Tony Anderson; and José 
> Miguel García. We'll hold our first meeting this Friday at 16 UTC on 
> irc.freenode.net #sugar. Please join us.
> Many thanks to Daniel Francis, Gonzalo Odiard, and Chris Leonard whom have 
> served many years on the oversight board and continue to make numerous 
> contributions to the Sugar community.
> 2. Google Code-In is over and the mentor team has selected our two 
> grand-prize winners: Piotr Antosz (from Poland) and Ezequiel Pereira Lopez 
> (from Uruguay). While it is never an easy decision -- we had many strong 
> contenders for the top two spots -- I am quite pleased with the decision as 
> both Piotr and Ezequiel did great work and have deeply engaged with the 
> community. Congratulations to both of them. And, again, thank you to all of 
> the contestants and to the mentors.
> 3. One topic I hope to discuss on Friday is Google Summer of Code 2016. I've 
> set up a preliminary page in the wiki [2] to get the application process 
> start (I am presuming that the oversight board will agree to participate 
> again this year). Please add project suggests to the wiki.
> === In the Community ===
> 4. I just returned from Constructionism 2016 (See [3]), a "bi-annual 
> gathering of researchers and practitioners of the constructionist learning 
> philosophy is intended to be a place to showcase lessons learned, innovative 
> learning tools, new case studies, and novel approaches that has been 
> happening throughout the world." A number of Sugar Labs community members 
> were there, including Cynthia Solomon, Claudia Urrea, and Devin Ulibarri. 
> Devin and I spoke about Music Blocks and along with Cynthia and Claudia, we 
> ran several workshops for children and teachers. Lots of great feedback and 
> many new and renewed connections. (Our host, Khun Paron, has been an advocate 
> for Sugar for almost a decade.) The entire conference was videotaped and will 
> be posted online soon. Be sure to watch Cynthia's keynote address in which 
> she reviewed the history of Constructionism, which has had a great influence 
> on the design and development of Sugar.
> 5. Music Blocks is a fork the Turtle Blocks program that we began last year 
> during GSoC. Our goal is for Music Blocks to be an open-ended, yet musically 
> relevant tool—one that invites learners to explore fundamental musical 
> concepts that are both intrinsic to music yet transcendent of a specific 
> discipline.
> The structure of our workshops included the concept of a "Power Piece". A 
> power piece is a melody or a song that is taught because it is powerful and 
> becomes more powerful as it is taught. Children took phrases of some familiar 
> music as a basis of exploring and manipulating the music through programming.
> As a result of feedback from the workshops, I have made a number of 
> improvements to Music Blocks [4]. It is much more robust and internally 
> consistent. Please do try it (there is a guide at [5]) and give me additional 
> feedback.
> By coincidence, I subsequently read in Stephen Wolfram's blog about Marvin 
> Minsky that "Marvin immediately launched into talking about how programming 
> languages are the only ones that people are expected to learn to write before 
> they can read. He said he’d been trying to convince Seymour Papert that the 
> best way to teach programming was to start by showing people good code. He 
> gave the example of teaching music by giving people Eine kleine Nachtmusik, 
> and asking them to transpose it to a different rhythm and see what bugs 
> occur."
> Papert did speak of the need for guidance, both in the programming 
> environment itself and in the teacher’s facilitating a child's exploration of 
> it. Power Pieces introduce rich musical ideas that can be studied, analyzed, 
> transformed, and
> re-imagined, they are ripe for open-ended explorations as part of workshops.
> During the workshops (and at the conference) Devin and I both stood on our 
> "soap boxes" in support of Free/Libre Software. Using computers and 
> programming software to run on computers is a powerful means to drive 
> learning. Free Software raises the ceiling by enabling student contributions 
> to the design, the documentation, and the code itself.
> Tip of the hat to Sawaros Thanapornsangsuth, who translated Music Blocks into 
> Thai for our workshops.
> === Tech Talk ===
> 6. The Sugar Labs systems team has been busy upgrading our servers. Thanks to 
> their efforts we have had very little down time in the past few years.
> === Sugar Labs ===
> 7. Please visit our planet [7].
> ----
> [1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Marvin_Minsky_essays
> [2] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Summer_of_Code/2016
> [3] http://e-school.kmutt.ac.th/constructionism2016/
> [4] https://walterbender.github.io/musicblocks
> [5] https://github.com/walterbender/musicblocks/blob/master/guide/README.md
> [6] http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2016/01/farewell-marvin-minsky-19272016/
> [7] http://planet.sugarlabs.org
> -walter
> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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