I will take sole responsibility for the lost and if it happen, i didn't get
the visa.

What are the "XXX" for?

On Jun 4, 2017 12:58 PM, "Adam Holt" <h...@laptop.org> wrote:

Please all who can support this motion, thank you for doing so, once [XXX]
is clarified below:

"To support Samson Goddy's attending 2017 Scratch conference in Bordeaux,
France (19-21 July 2017) to strengthen our relationship with Scratch, Sugar
Labs should allocate up to $500 in support of his obtaining a French visa,
including (as nec) travel from Port Harcourt to Lagos for as many days as
required.  Any receipts to this end, Samson will submit to the Software
Freedom Conservancy.  It is understood that if the French government very
unfortunately turns down his visa application, preventing him from
attending Bordeaux, these lost funds will be borne by [XXX]."

Where [XXX] could be Scratch, Sugar Labs, or Samson Goddy -- accountants
don't like financial mystery meat, for very good reason ;)


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