Alberto González Palomo writes:

 >    I'm not aware of any validation tool, but you can check the Simple
 > Type System (STS) used for symbol signatures in the OM CDs.

Thanks, that looks interesting.

What's the status of these type signatures?  Are they part of the CD,
and thus of the standard? I don't remember seeing any reference to
them in the OpenMath Standard 2.0.

 >    For instance, arith1:sum has:

That's bad news for me because it means I can't use OpenMath sums at
all for my application. Sums are defined only for Abelian monoids,
which excludes any expression containing floating-point numbers,
since floating-point addition is not associative. This is not
merely a theoretical concern as summation order definitely matters
in some of my use cases.

Exploring further, I note that also requires
commutativity.  Is there any CD that covers floating-point arithmetic?
OpenMath does provide floating-point numbers, so there should also be
something one can do with them.

 >    For the double sum you mentioned, that would be nested:

A bit verbose but perfectly fine - if I didn't need those floats.

Francis Wright writes:

 >> There is no definition of "range of summation", just an example. You use a 
 >> set in
 >> your example, which is fine, but there's nothing in the definition of "sum" 
 >> that
 >> tells me that sets are a valid specification for a "range of summation".

If by "set" you mean the use of { } in the example above then I think
that is part of the TeX syntax used to present the example and does
not imply a set.

Lars explicitly referred to set1.cartesian_product, so I do have a
set.  Reconsidering this, it wouldn't really help me because a
summation range defined by a set obviously implies that summation
order doesn't matter.

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