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2nd International Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems
July 7-10, 2014 Grenoble, France

Université Joseph Fourier, PERSYVAL-Lab, and NASA-JPL are organizing the second 
edition of the CPS Summer School. The broad objective of the CPS Summer School 
is to explore the manifold relationship between networked embedded systems 
("the internet of things") and humans as their creators, users, and subjects. 
The format of the Summer School is a four days meeting, organized around 
different aspects of rigorous engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems.
This year, the objective of the school is to survey fundamental and applied 
aspects of modelling, monitoring and learning of systems as well as to identify 
novel opportunities and research directions in these areas through a series of 
lectures by international experts. Participants will also experience the 
relevant technologies during hands-on courses and be given a chance to present 
their own work. The school will provide a great opportunity to know other 
people working in the field, to meet distinguished scholars, and to establish 
contacts that may lead to research collaborations in the future.
The school will concentrate on the fields of system modelling, monitoring and 
learning. Over the last ten years we have seen a lot of growth in these areas, 
building on strong theoretical foundations to apply and extend techniques to 
new application domains. Runtime verification is a growing field with more and 
more efffective applications in safety/mission-critical systems, enterprise and 
systems software, autonomous and reactive control systems, health management 
and diagnosis systems, and system security and privacy. The field of 
specification mining (learning specifications from system behaviour) has also 
seen a surge in research effort, with the establishment of a number of 
competitions to drive forward the development of practical tools. This research 
community is at an ideal stage to benefit from a school such as this, to 
inspire, motivate and instruct new researchers into the field.
Students participating at this summer school will learn the current state of 
the art in modeling, monitoring, and learning. Students will be able to apply 
new techniques coming from various communities and backgrounds to their own 
domain. The CPS Summer School will be held at Grenoble University. Courses will 
be given in English by experts from industry and academia working in various 
fields of CPS.
System modelling.
Medical devices.
Sensor networks.
Scientific Organization
Université Joseph Fourier (UJF) is located at the heart of the Alps, in 
outstanding scientific and natural surroundings. UJF is a leading University of 
Science, Technology and Health. Featuring in all of the major international 
rankings (Top 150 World Universities - Shanghai Ranking), the UJF offers 
initial and further education for jobs of the future in a wide range of fields: 
Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, Biology, Medicine and 
Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Earth Science and Astronomy/Astrophysics, 
Environmental Studies, Geography and Territorial Sciences, as well as the 
Science of Physical and Sports Activities.
PERSYVAL-Lab focuses on pervasive systems and algorithms at the convergence of 
physical and digital worlds. PERSYVAL-lab is built over high-level research 
laboratories present at Grenoble in Mathematics, Computer Science, Automatic 
Control, Signal Processing, and Hardware Architecture.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development 
center located in Pasadena, California, United States. JPL is managed by the 
nearby California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The laboratory's primary function 
is the construction and operation of robotic planetary spacecraft.
Confirmed Speakers
Eric Bodden (TU Darmstadt and EC SPRIDE, Germany).
Olivier Coutelou (Schneider Electric, France).
Radu Grosu (Technical Univesity Wien, Austria).
Klaus Havelund (NASA JPL, USA).
Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark).
Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan, France).
Martin Leucker (University of Lübeck, Germany).
Roberto Passerone (Universita' degli Studi di Trento, Italy).
Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA).
Mohamad Sawan (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada).
Bernhard Steffen (Technical University Dortmund, Germany).
Andreas Zeller (Saarland University, Germany).
Organization Committee
Saddek Bensalem (University of Grenoble, France).
Yliès Falcone - (University of Grenoble, France).
Klaus Havelund - (NASA JPL, USA).
The registration fee to the CPS Summer-School is:
250 euros for students,
400 euros for academics and people from industry.
The registration comprises lunches, coffee breaks, and a reception party.
Application Procedure and Important Dates
Attendance is limited to 80, so we will be selecting amongst the candidates.
The application procedure is as follows:
Applicants declare their intention to apply by registering at 
before April 14, 2014.
The application should comprise a resume and contact information.
The organization committee provides a response to applicants before April 21, 
Applicants proceed with online Registration and Fee payment  before May 10, 
Online Registration
Online Registration will be available only for selected applicants mid April 
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