Call for Papers
         10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
                            - CICM 2017 - 
                           July 17-21, 2016
                  University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Digital and  computational solutions are becoming  the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical  information.  Separate  communities  have  developed  to
investigate  and build  computer based  systems for  computer algebra,
automated deduction, and mathematical publishing as well as novel user
interfaces. While all of these systems excel in their own right, their
integration  can   lead  to   synergies  offering   significant  added
value.  The  Conference  on Intelligent  Computer  Mathematics  (CICM)
offers a  venue for discussing  and developing solutions to  the great
challenges posed by the integration of these diverse areas.

CICM has been held annually as a joint meeting since 2008, co-locating
related   conferences  and   workshops  to   advance  work   in  these
subjects. Previous  meetings have been  held in Birmingham  (UK 2008),
Grand Bend (Canada 2009), Paris (France 2010), Bertinoro (Italy 2011),
Bremen (Germany  2012), Bath (UK  2013), Coimbra (Portugal  2014), 
Washington DC (USA 2015) and Bialystok (Poland 2016).

This  is a  call for  papers  for CICM  2017,  which will  be held  in
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 17-21, 2016. CICM 2017 also invites work-in-
progress papers.

The principal tracks of the conference will be:

* Track: Calculemus (chair: Matthew England)
  All topics in the intersection of computer algebra systems and
  automated reasoning systems including:
  - Automated theorem proving in computer algebra systems.
  - Computer algebra and symbolic computation in theorem proving
  - Theory, design and implementation of interdisciplinary systems for
    computer mathematics.
  - Case studies and applications that involve a mix of computation
    and reasoning.
  - Case studies in formalization of mathematical theories that include
    non-trivial computations.
  - Representation of mathematics in computer algebra systems.
  - Input languages, programming languages, types and constraint
    languages, and modeling languages for mathematical assistant systems.

* Track: Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML) (chair: Olaf Teschke)
  All topics related to the  formation of a Global Digital Mathematics
  Library (GDML) network, ranging from experiences from existing DMLs,
  policies and standards facilitating interoperability, to development
  and   integration   of   new  techniques   for   content   creation,
  preservation, enhancement and retrieval of the corpus, including:
  - DML creation and maintenance (content aggregation, validation,
    curation, enhancement).
  - DML architecture and representations (organization, workflows,
    policies, standards).
  - DML access and applications (retrieval, interfaces, interoperability).
  - DML collections and systems (experiences from various existing DMLs).

* Track: Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) (chair: Florian Rabe)
  - Knowledge representation using, e.g., formal logics, computational
    systems, narrative document formats, or databases
  - Solutions to create, store, disseminate, discover, or manipulate
    mathematical knowledge
  - Corpora of knowledge inlcuding documents, theories, theorems, proofs,
    models, algorithms, exercises, or examples
  - Methods, systems, frameworks, case studies, challenges, benchmarks,
    or applications for mathematical knowledge
  - Comparisons, evaluations, or integrations of MKM solutions

* Track: Systems & Projects (chair: Osman Hasan)
  - Systems: Stand-alone; plugins, libraries, or extensions of
    existing systems; or integrations of existing systems
  - Data: Formalizations; harvests or new processing of existing data;
    or case studies, test cases, or benchmark suites for systems
  - Projects: finished, ongoing or new
  - Survey papers

* Track: Doctoral Programme (chair: TBD)

The overall programme is organized by the General Program Chair Herman
Geuvers.  The  local  arrangements  will  be  coordinated  by  Jacques
Fleuriot.  The publicity chair is Serge Autexier.

We plan  to have proceedings  of the  conference as in  previous years
with  Springer Verlag  as  a  volume in  Lecture  Notes in  Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI).

*Important Dates* 

 Conference submissions
  - Abstract submission deadline:  15. March 2017
  - Submission deadline:           22. March 2017
  - Reviews sent to authors:       26. April 2017
  - Rebuttals due:                 30. April 2017
  - Notification of acceptance:    12. May 2017
  - Camera ready copies due:       26. May 2017
  - Conference:                    17.-21. July 2017

 Workshop Proposals
  - Submission deadline:           10. February 2017
  - Notification of acceptance:    15. February 2017

  More details on the conference are available from
Om mailing list

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