An International Workshop on Competitions, Usability, Benchmarks, Evaluation, 
and Standardisation for Runtime Verification Tools
Held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Runtime 
Verification (RV 2017)


The goal of this workshop is to provide a venue to discuss ongoing efforts to 
improve how we evaluate and compare tools for runtime verification. This 
workshop invites submissions that contribute to this discussion (see below). 
The workshop replaces the Runtime Verification Competition this year, giving an 
opportunity for reflection and planning for the future.


  *   We invite two kinds of submissions: tool overview papers of existing 
tools and position papers
  *   Attendance at the workshop is not compulsory for submission, but 
  *   The workshop will be integrated into RV 2017 to engage with the wider RV 


Over the last three years, beginning in 2014, the Competition on Runtime 
Verification (CRV) has compared 14 different runtime verification tools using 
over 100 different benchmarks. It has motivated the development of new tools 
and extensions of existing ones. Thanks to the time and effort of the various 
organisers and participants it has successfully provided a platform to discuss 
how we evaluate and compare our tools. However, we are aware that the 
competition has not served all members of the community and required 
significant effort from its participants and therefore we have decided not to 
run the competition in the same form in 2017.

This workshop has two aims.

  *   Firstly, to kickstart an online repository of tool descriptions that 
focus on usability, rather than implementation. Much effort within Runtime 
Verification is spent developing tools. The planned repository will help 
advertise these tools within and beyond the community and to document their 
existence. To this end, this workshop invites tool overview papers (details 
below) that present an opportunity to demonstrate the diverse range of 
available RV tools and to advertise their advanced features and capabilities.
  *   Secondly, to provide a forum in which the future of the competition, and 
wider efforts to improve how we evaluate RV tools, can be discussed in a 
structured and informed way. There have been various informal discussions at 
the previous three RV conferences and in other settings. By inviting position 
papers (details below) this workshop aims to establish the issues and possible 
directions before holding a structured panel session during RV 2017.


There is no overlap in scope between this workshop and RV 2017. Any papers 
containing original technical developments should be submitted to RV 2017 
rather than this workshop as the workshop focuses on tool reviews (containing 
existing work) and position statements. If there is any uncertainty please 
contact the workshop chairs.

The workshop will be integrated into RV 2017. The workshop activities will 
include a poster presentation session and a panel decision, both of which will 
be scheduled within the main conference program. A consequence of this is that 
there will be no separate registration for the workshop. To attend the workshop 
activities it will be necessary to attend RV 2017. Although, attendance is not 
a requirement for submission.


We invite two forms of submission: Tool Overview papers and Position papers. 
All submissions will be subject to a lightweight review by the PC to ensure a 
reasonable standard and to provide constructive feedback to improve the quality 
of the submission.

Tool Overview Papers

These should describe an existing tool using a minimum of 5 pages. The paper 
should at least describe how to obtain the tool, the RV problem the tool is 
aiming to solve, the key defining features of the tool and relevant references. 
Additionally, we might expect it to include some of the following:

  *   The history of the tool
  *   High-level overviews of key aspect such as the input language or 
architecture from a user’s perspective
  *   Usability details undocumented elsewhere
  *   Examples demonstrating key features
  *   Details of case studies or applications to real world problems
  *   Discussion of features particular to the tool
  *   Summaries (rather than detailed tables) of experimental results
  *   Analysis of the kinds of problem the tool is suited for and those it is 
less-well suited for

Ideally, the tool and related material (e.g. benchmarks) will be available 
online and linked to in the submission. The paper should not cover any 
significant new contributions (these can be submitted as tool papers to RV 
2017) and should rely on previous research and tool papers to provide further 
details. Note that there is no upper page limit however the number of pages 
used should reflect the level of detail given. Submissions of 2 pages giving 
minimal details would be suitable in a situation where the tool is well 
documented elsewhere but an entry in the repository is still desired. All 
accepted submissions will be invited for presentation at a special Poster 
session during RV 2017.

Position papers

Initial submissions should use a minimum of 2 pages to explore a particular 
position related to the evaluation, comparison or standardisation of Runtime 
Verification tools (and benchmarks). Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  *   What should a RV benchmark look like?
  *   Can we have a common specification language for RV? If so, what should it 
look like?
  *   Is execution time the most important performance criteria? What might be 
more important?
  *   How can we evaluate hardware monitoring tools?
  *   What are we doing wrong in evaluation? Can we fix this?
  *   What can be borrowed form other communities?

A selection of position papers will be used to structure a discussion panel to 
be held at RV 2017. Again, there is no upper page limit however the number of 
pages used should reflect the level of detail given. There will be an 
opportunity to update the paper based on discussions before inclusion in 
post-proceedings (see below).

Publishing and Submission

Contributions will be published as a post-proceedings volume in the Open-Access 
Scopus-Indexed EasyChair Kalpa <http://www.easychair.org/publications/Kalpa> 
Series. To be eligible for inclusion in the post-proceedings, papers should be 
at least 5 pages. Please see the relevant information for 
authors<http://www.easychair.org/publications/for_authors> when preparing your 

Please submit contributions to the following EasyChair page.



  *    Submission Deadline 1 July 2017
     *   Abstracts: 8 July 2017
     *   Final Submission: 15 July 2017
  *   Notification 1 August 2017
  *   Workshop at RV 2017 13-16 September 2017
  *   Post-proceedings deadline 14 October 2017


For local and general organisation please see RV 2017.

Program Committee Chairs

Giles Reger, University of Manchester, UK
Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Program Committee

Ezio Bartocci, TU Wien, Austria
Domenico Bianculli, SnT Centre – University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Borzoo Bonakdarpour, McMaster University, Cananda
Christian Colombo, University of Malta, Malta
Ylies Falcone, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, Laboratoire d’Informatique de 
Grenoble, France
Adrian Francalanza, University of Malta, Malta
Sylvain Hallé, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
Felix Klaedtke, NEC Europe Ltd.
Daniel Thoma, University of Lübeck, Germany
Dmitriy Traytel, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Gordon Pace, University of Malta, Malta
Cesar Sanchez, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain
Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Julien Signoles, CEA LIST, France
Tarmo Uustalu, Tallin University of Technology, Estonia
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