Sorry for the spam earlier - I was finally able to get things running
behind the second option (nginx as an https proxy).


On 12/6/16 11:57 AM, Chris Moody wrote:
> Hello all.
> Wanted to first thank everyone for their work to streamline and
> integrate so many pieces together in such a cool package.  I'm a huge
> fan of the OMD model.  I used to have a bunch of custom routines I had
> built that were trying to accomplish some of the same goals, but this
> approach is -so- much better.
> I could use a hand though with what should hopefully be something
> simple that I just haven't come across in the Docs.  I need to make
> all my instances SSL only instead of just plaintext http.  Even if
> it's just the login page that's SSL, my user-base will not be
> comfortable with plaintext http logins.
> I've tried tinkering a bit with apache's config, but attempting
> rewrite rules in the main system 000-default.conf seem to cause other
> problems with things like the thruk login cgi.  There seems to be too
> much redirecting and linking internally to non-https URLs basically
> that some links are working where others are not.  I've not given up
> with this approach but it's definitely behaving more finicky than I
> had anticipated.
> ex>
> =====[ Documented here:
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
> RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L]
> I also attempted a quick pass at using nginx on the same host to proxy
> back all calls to the http apache daemon, but it was having troubles
> with passing frames through when proxying, so I found myself going
> down the rabbithole of disabling frames...but then also was running
> into some links not proxying correctly (the login cgi being the first
> case).  I've also not given up on this approach either but it as well
> is being a bit more finicky that I anticipated.
> Has anyone implemented a total https OMD setup (multisite)...or are
> there docs/references that give clues as to how best to accomplish this?
> Any pointers to help smooth the path would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> -Chris
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