Is there a checklist or set of instructions for converting OMD/check_mk
over to use https as default?
I've got a master server and 6 distributed servers. We use OMD mostly
for the check_mk component. I'd like to be able to convert one
distributed server, tweak the master server to be aware of that change
and verify it's working and then move on the next distributed server. I
can convert the master server to use https at the beginning or end,
whichever is best.
None of these systems are accessible outside our network so security
isn't a big concern, but getting even our internal only web services
converted to https is on our to-do list. We do use the pnp4nagios
component also, but that's about it as far as the OMD componets go.
Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738
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