On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:41 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> is this a bug or result of wrong configuration, to me it seems like a bug. 
> i notice that one of my FS set on top a pool (acipool) and that has been 
> grown instead of base pool.

The zfs command does not show the size of the pool. What does "zpool status" 
show for the
size of the pool?
 -- richard

> Filesystem                      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> rpool/ROOT/napp-it-0.9b3         27G   19G  8.3G  70% /
> swap                             13G  340K   13G   1% /etc/svc/volatile
> /usr/lib/libc/libc_hwcap1.so.1   27G   19G  8.3G  70% /lib/libc.so.1
> swap                             13G     0   13G   0% /tmp
> swap                             13G   52K   13G   1% /var/run
> acipool                         284G   25G  259G   9% /acipool
> acipool/aci-nfs                 259G   48K  259G   1% /acipool/aci-nfs
> acipool/cmdnfs                  428G  170G  259G  40% /acipool/cmdnfs
> acipool/iscsi                   259G   58K  259G   1% /acipool/iscsi
> as u can see acipool/cmdnfs is grown to 428GB which resides on acipool, in 
> reality acipool has to be on this size.
> here are some other impotent findings.
> NAME            PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
> acipool/cmdnfs  type                  filesystem             -
> acipool/cmdnfs  creation              Tue Sep 10 12:33 2013  -
> acipool/cmdnfs  used                  169G                   -
> acipool/cmdnfs  available             258G                   -
> acipool/cmdnfs  referenced            169G                   -
> acipool/cmdnfs  compressratio         1.00x                  -
> acipool/cmdnfs  mounted               yes                    -
> acipool/cmdnfs  quota                 none                   default
> acipool/cmdnfs  reservation           none                   default
> acipool/cmdnfs  recordsize            128K                   default
> acipool/cmdnfs  mountpoint            /acipool/cmdnfs        default
> acipool/cmdnfs  sharenfs              rw                     local
> ver sub FS grown to the actual disk size.
> as you can see the FS size via ZFS command is still the same 258GB which 
> previously in df -h command showed as 429GB
> any idea. 
> is this a bug or my wrong configuration, can anybody throw some light on this 
> matter.
> Thanks,
> Myk
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