* On 2013-10-23 at 04:02 BST, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

> does this actually work under omnios?
> tried the 64-bit as well as multi-arch options, none of the stuff works.
> no error messages, nothing.

Could you clarify on exactly what you are seeing?  At which point in
the instructions do things stop working?  If you don't see error
messages, do you at least see some output?  What is the return code of
the commands which appear to do nothing?  A full gist/pastebin of your
entire session would be helpful, as well as any *.log files under the
/var/db/pkgin directory.  Clear out /opt/local and /var/db/pkgin
before retrying to avoid any conflicts with an existing installation.

The quick start tutorial works as expected for me on omnios-dda4bb3.


Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -  www.joyent.com
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