On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 03:26:42 +0100, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Dec 2013 01:59:46 +0100
> Michael Rasmussen <m...@miras.org> wrote:
> > How does one upgrade from 15007?
> To answer myself:
> pkg set-publisher --approve-ca-cert /etc/ssl/pkg/OmniTI_CA.pem omnios
> But after upgrading and booting the new boot environment I get this
> error:
> [ Dec  6 01:17:25 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-intrd").
> ] ld.so.1: perl: fatal: libc.so.1: version 'ILLUMOS_0.6' not found
> (required by
> file /usr/perl5/5.16.1/lib/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/CORE/libperl.so)
> ld.so.1: perl: fatal: libc.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
> [ Dec  6 01:17:25 Method "start" exited with status 0. ] [ Dec  6
> 01:17:25 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ] [ Dec  6
> 01:17:26 Executing stop method (:kill). ] [ Dec  6 01:17:26 Restarting
> too quickly, changing state to maintenance. ]

We don't support upgrading from bloody*. It's very much an "if it
breaks, you get to keep both pieces" system, much the way Debian
sid or FreeBSD -CURRENT are.

That said, I had that issue when I managed an incomplete upgrade
on a personal box. You'll want to reboot into the previous BE and
do a 'pkg update -nv' to see what's being upgraded. I'd guess
that something is holding back a required package but need to see
what you have installed and your publishers to be able to give
more advice.

* In fact we don't support bloody at all; there's a reason it has
the name it does.
Chris Nehren
Site Reliability Engineer, OmniTI
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