On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Tobias Oetiker <t...@oetiker.ch> wrote:
> Following the latest instructions from your webpage, we tried this:
>   pkg list incorporation/jeos/omnios-userland >/dev/null 2>&1 || pkg install 
> incorporation/jeos/omnios-userland@11,5.11-0.151006
> now, if we run
>   # pkg update -nv
> we get
>  Creating Plan /
>  pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints
>  Plan Creation: Package solver has not found a solution to update to latest 
> available versions.
>  This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are installed.

Hi Tobi,
It's possible you have packages that are holding back the update.  Do
you use the ms.omniti.com publisher?  Recent builds there incorporate
on entire at the release on which they were built, to ensure they
don't get installed on the wrong release.

You can check to see if any unexpected incorporate dependencies exist
with pkg search:

pkg search -H -o pkg.fmri -l 'depend:incorporate:*@*-0.151006' | sort | uniq

Under normal circumstances (that is, you use only packages from the
omnios publisher) you should see only entire, illumos-gate and
omnios-userland.  If you see anything else, that's something to

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