-----Original Message-----
From: Natxo Asenjo [mailto:natxo.ase...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 13 December 2013 15:10
To: Chavdar Ivanov
Cc: omnios-discuss@lists.omniti.com
Subject: Re: [OmniOS-discuss] upgrade nearly perfect

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Chavdar Ivanov <c...@outlook.com> wrote:
> ➜  ~  /usr/java/bin/java -version
> openjdk version "1.7.0_06"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_06-b24) OpenJDK Server VM 
> (build 24.0-b47, mixed mode)
> ➜  ~  pkg list  | grep -i java
> developer/java/jdk (omnios)                     
> i--
> runtime/java (omnios)                           
> i--
> ➜  ~  pkg list  | grep -i jre
> I do have omniti repo, but as far as I can see, java comes from the main one.
> ➜  ~  pkg publisher
> PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
> ms.omniti.com            (non-sticky) origin   online   
> http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/
> omnios                                origin   online   
> http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/release/

mmm, I have this:

root@zfstank:~# pkg list | grep -i java
runtime/java                                      0.5.11-0.151008            i--

# pkg info java
          Name: runtime/java
       Summary: Open-source implementation of the seventh edition of the Java 
SE Platform
         State: Installed
     Publisher: omnios
       Version: 0.5.11 (jdk7u21-b30)
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: 0.151008
Packaging Date: Wed Dec  4 20:10:13 2013
          Size: 105.29 MB
          FMRI: pkg://omnios/runtime/java@0.5.11,5.11-0.151008:20131204T201013Z

Is this the right one? How can I reinstall it or verify it is correctly 

Looks like yours is the correct one, but there may be some packaging problem. 
I'll have to make a clean 151008 installation and add java to see if it will do 
the same; in my case java was left over from the time I was running bloody. No 
idea why it hasn't been upgraded. 



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