So I updated the BIOS on my storage box, which has a supermicro X9SRi-F,
from 2.0a to 3.0a, and my IPMI SOL console stopped working :(. After an
annoying investigation, I discovered that the new BIOS misconfigures
ttyc/COM3, the BIOS says it's using irq 4, when in actuality it's using
irq 10. Under linux, when I override the bios config and force the
driver to use irq 10, it works fine.

How do I get an illumos/omnios box to override the bios serial port
config and use an explicitly configured irq rather than the BIOS
provided one? It looks like I need to tweak something in
/kernel/drv/asy.conf, but I'm not really clear on exactly what.

Thanks for any pointers, and ay, supermicro, fix one thing and break
another <sigh>...

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