On 2/3/14, 9:30 PM, Paul B. Henson wrote:
>> From: Saso Kiselkov
>> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 7:23 AM
>> something like 10GB and turn on compression. Although the standard
>> installer doesn't let you set compression on the root pool before
>> starting installation, there's a trick to doing it. Before firing up the
> With a little more effort:
> http://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/ISOrpoolCustomize
> You can configure the size of the rpool partition, provide arbitrary pool
> creation options including compression, and also size swap/dump explicitly
> rather than use the installer defaults.

Oh wow, configure network, download script, make executable, execute,
bootstrap pre-install environment, edit perl script, then cross fingers
that it works as expected (be sure to read the log!). I mean I
understand that this is more flexible than just running stuff in a
screen, but if you were willing to go to such lengths to create this
script, what's the problem with fixing the installer to simply prompt
for some of these options in the first place? You know, things like
swap/dump size, fs options, etc - little things. Doesn't have to be a
full installer rewrite.

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