> From: Dan McDonald
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 7:38 AM
> And for swap (which should be good regardless what "newpool" is...):
> zfs create -V <size> newpool/swap

Unless I'm misremembering, the default blocksize for a zvol is 8k, and the
recommended blocksize for a swap zvol on x86 is 4k, so I usually explicitly
specify the blocksize when creating a swap zvol:

zfs create -b 4k -V <size> pool/swap

Also, in the past there was a bug that could result in a kernel wedge unless
you tweaked the cache settings for a zvol in use for swap:

zfs set primarycache=metadata pool/swap
zfs set secondarycache=none pool/swap

Possibly that has been fixed? But I don't think it hurts either way, so I
still do it.

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