Sometime during Q2CY2015 (no earlier than April 1st), OmniOS r151014 will be 
released.  At that time, support for r151010 ("previous stable") will be 
discontinued.  This is in accordance with the OmniOS release cycle:

If you can, please upgrade to r151012.  We *should* be able to allow a jump 
from r151010 to r151014, as we must support a jump from r151012 to 014 AND from 
006 to 014 (because r151014 will also be the next Long-Term Support release).

As I mentioned the last time, beadm(1M) is your friend.  Creating backup BEs in 
case of mistakes is easy.

Thank you,
Dan McDonald -- OmniOS Engineering
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

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