> On Jun 8, 2015, at 10:46 AM, Eric Sproul <eric.spr...@circonus.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Dan McDonald <dan...@omniti.com> wrote:
>> Any code-minded people in the community should have a look at the above 
>> webrev, and tell me what you think. Unlike the last compiler change done for 
>> r151008, this is a jump from 4 to 5, so "g{cc,++}-N-runtime" has a new value 
>> of N, namely 5.  The prior versions of gcc runtime are in place 
>> (.so.6.0.XX), but the package name has been changed.  I've use the "renamed" 
>> attribute for gcc/++-4-runtime to aid in this regard.
> Dan,
> Great work so far.  Mostly looks good to me, though I'm curious if
> pkglint is/will be complaining about redundant require dependencies.

Remember -- we don't run pkglint by default.  (Some existing package naming 
schemes make that difficult/impossible.)

> A lot of these build scripts predate the introduction of
> pkgdepend/pkglint, and IMO the changes where it's just updating
> DEPENDS_IPS could just be a straight removal of the entire DEPENDS_IPS
> line.  pkgdepend should easily take care of any/all ELF dependencies
> now.

pkgdepend, OTOH, runs.

The whole DEPENDS_IPS/BUILD_DEPENDS_IPS/PKG_DEPENDS_IPS is screwy to me.  A bit 
of history, and a suggested what's-right course of action may be in order.

> Also, NSPR: there's version changes for the package along with the
> compiler change.  Was that intentional?  I don't much care either way,
> just curious if something slipped in by mistake.

Threw in the update to see if it was gcc51 ready, it wasn't, but I kept the 
updates in anyway.


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