On Wed, Sep 30 2015 09:56:47 +0200, Richard PALO wrote:
> >To be clear, it's not implementing RFC 1323 (and not even *not*
> >implementing 7323) that causes the issue. 1323 actually didn't specify
> >what to do with non-timestamped segments on a timestamp-negotiated
> >connection, and illumos pre-5850 did something very surprising which I
> >doubt nobody else did (stop generating timestamps on all future
> >segments), so I don't think you will be able to reproduce the hang with
> >other operating systems, but you'll likely be able to see the unexpected
> >non-timestamped segments in connections between other OSes as well (but
> >I still can't be sure because I don't know what middlebox is injecting
> >them or why :)
> >
> In that case, wouldn't setting tcp_tstamp_always on OI to '1' be better in
> this case (or would OI not honour that setting correctly)?

It wouldn't work. From what I can tell, those ndd settings only affect
the SYN segments (ie.  timestamp negotiation); pre-5850 illumos will
always stop timestamping mid-connection if it receives a non-timestamped

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