Hello all,

 TL;DR: The OmniOS terminfo package seems broken after Oct 22 and delivers too 
few files. Packaged software does not fall back to other available locations.


 A week or two ago, different CLI programs began acting up on my OmniOS box, 
saying nonsense like this:

 # mc
 Error opening terminal: xterm.

 Same for vt100, vt220, ansi...

 I have terminfo packages installed and up-to-date, and while looking at the 
system I see 3 locations at least:

 # find /opt -name terminfo -ls
   1124    2 drwxr-xr-x  14 root     root           14 Oct 29 14:45 

 # find /usr -name terminfo -ls
    349    4 drwxr-xr-x  44 root     bin            44 Dec  4  2014 
    332    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           17 Dec  4  2014 
/usr/gnu/lib/terminfo -> ../share/terminfo
  29464    4 drwxr-xr-x  44 root     bin            44 Dec  4  2014 

 The /usr ones seem similar to OI/Hipster - they contain seemingly equivalent 
content except most of the files are different at binary level. Apparently, 
they come from terminfo and ncurses, and maybe should be merged(?) in 

 # pkg search xterm
 INDEX      ACTION VALUE                          PACKAGE
 basename   file   usr/gnu/share/terminfo/x/xterm 
 basename   file   usr/share/lib/terminfo/x/xterm 

 The /opt location is rather empty in comparison (and `pkg search -r filenames` 
fails to find what package this should have been, also on older BEs):

 # find /opt | grep terminfo | sort

 But it is the one searched by software (and no fallbacks to other locations). 
For example, trussing that "mc" call I see:

 # truss -fl -wall -rall mc 2>&1


 14731/1:        getuid()                                        = 0 [0]
 14731/1:        ioctl(1, TCGETS, 0x00508360)                    Err#22 EINVAL
 14731/1:        fstat(2, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDFE790)                    = 0
 Cannot get terminal settings: 14731/1:  write(2, 0x004EAD60, 30)               
         = 30
 14731/1:           C a n n o t   g e t   t e r m i n a l   s e t t i n g s :
 Invalid argument (22)14731/1:   write(2, 0x00515DC0, 21)                       
 = 21
 14731/1:           I n v a l i d   a r g u m e n t   ( 2 2 )

 14731/1:        write(2, "\r\n", 2)                             = 2
 14731/1:        sigaction(SIGCLD, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDFFAE0, 0x00000000) = 0
 14731/1:        sigaction(SIGTSTP, 0x00000000, 0x0051AC20)      = 0
 14731/1:        ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0xFFFFFD7FFFDFF9E0)            Err#22 EINVAL
 14731/1:        stat("/root/.terminfo", 0x0054E2D0)             Err#2 ENOENT
 14731/1:        stat("/opt/local/share/lib/terminfo", 0x0054E2D0) = 0
 14731/1:        time()                                          = 1446459993
 14731/1:        access("/opt/local/share/lib/terminfo/x/xterm", R_OK) Err#2 
 Error opening terminal: 14731/1:        write(2, 0xFFFFFD7FFD1390DD, 24)       
         = 24
 14731/1:           E r r o r   o p e n i n g   t e r m i n a l :
 xterm14731/1:   write(2, " x t e r m", 5)                       = 5
 14731/1:        write(2, " .\n", 2)                             = 2
 14731/1:        _exit(1)

 In particular, the larger set of files was there until Oct 22 as I can see in 
my snapshots, and then thousands of them went AWOL:

 # find postupgrade_pkgips-20151022T174922Z/share/lib/terminfo/ -type f | wc -l

 # find /opt/local/share/lib/terminfo/ -type f | wc -l

 Jim Klimov
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