On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Peter Tribble wrote:

IIRC, 1.1.0 has this change already. That's fine, as it's a new release and is 
to make incompatible changes.

Yes, that is why I mentioned it.

      Perhaps it is possible to tweak the library (or config file) so that 
SSLv2 won't acutally be used.

Actually, no. What would be ideal is that openssl provided stub functions that 
an error, so symbol resolution works fine (but anything actually calling SSLv2 
will fail).
As it is, they're yanking the functions and breaking binary compatibility by 

As long as all SSLv2 code has been stripped out, this is safest. Otherwise it will be very difficult for OmniOS users to upgrade since programs will refuse to run. There is still a question of what existing application code might do (continue on, quit, crash, lock-up?) if an error is reported by a stub function.

Things are made worse by the fact that consumers of the openssl library (things 
like wget,
libcurl) tend to blindly enable SSLv2 support if it's present in the openssl 
they're built against. Often without a way of disabling it otherwise. So you 
either have to
work out how to manually disable SSLv2 for those consumers, or build them on a 
that has openssl installed but with SSLv2 disabled. Then, of course, you have 
to make
sure that updated consumers get pushed out and updated by users *before* you 
out a "fixed" openssl. And if end users have built applications, then they're 
up the creek
without a paddle. It's just a mess.

OmniOS has decided to be responsible for the absolute minimum number of "consumers" so it is not in a position to correct the consumers. In contrast, Red Hat Linux provides a huge set of applications and so it can re-issue all those applications built against the new library.

Considering all sources of harm, it is likely safest for OmniOS to wait for the 1.1.0 release, and preserve the existing library (with SSLv2 functions as they appear in 1.0.2g or 1.0.1s) across upgrades. Then warn consumers to rebuild their applications.

This security problem primarily impacts SSL servers rather than clients. Only a subset of OpenSSL consumers act as servers.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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