
The large number of changes between the version of OpenIndiana I was
running and r151016 made it daunting to pinpoint the problem. If this is
the same problem, I think it's safe to say the change was between r151014
and r151016. I'm not very savvy with the source code but I'll take a look.



On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Olaf Marzocchi <li...@marzocchi.net> wrote:

> Thanks for the help.
> Well first of all, how can the SMB server require everyone to have
> read/execute access? no more private shares?
> Anyway, I got it working (for now) with:
> drwxr-xr-x+ 16 olaf     olaf          16 Apr 21 20:25 olaf
>               user:olaf:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>        group:2147483648:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>               everyone@:r-x---a-R-c--s:-------:allow
>               everyone@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:deny
> Still, why am I able to access without issues another share that has
> (basically) the same permissions as I had on my folder?
> d-----S---+ 27 root     temps        170 Apr 20 23:10 Temporary
>               user:olaf:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>        group:2147483648:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>           user:transmis:--x---a-R-c--s:-------:allow
>               everyone@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:deny
> I am member of group "temps" too.
> This seems strange to me... it doesn't make sense.
> It is working now, but any explanation? I don't like to have everyone rx
> permissions on my private folder, even if the ACLs will not propagate said
> permissions to its contents.
> Thanks
> Olaf
> On 21/04/2016 03:48, Steven Ford wrote:
>> Olaf,
>> This reminds me a a problem I was having after updating to 151016. I
>> posted about it on stack exchange.
>> http://serverfault.com/questions/762160/where-is-my-zfs-smb-share. My
>> problem boiled down to the folder had needed everybody to have read
>> permissions for the SMB share to appear.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Steve
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Olaf Marzocchi <li...@marzocchi.net
>> <mailto:li...@marzocchi.net>> wrote:
>>     I updated as indicated in the guide and to do that I had to
>>     uninstall some packages:
>>     serf@1.3.8,5.11-0.151014:20151015T214958Z
>>     apr-util@1.4.1,5.11-0.151014:20150508T204811Z
>>     apr@1.5.1,5.11-0.151014:20150529T175834Z
>>     uuid@1.41.14,5.11-0.151014:20150508T153803Z
>>     After reboot I got two main issues.
>>     1) I cannot reach my OmniOS box with "OmniOS-Xeon.local" as I
>>     usually did in the past, both for SMB, local webserver/services, ...
>>     but I can still access the box when I use the plain IP.
>>     OmniOS-Xeon:~ olaf$ cat /etc/nodename
>>     OmniOS-Xeon
>>     2) I cannot access one specific SMB share ("olaf") that was working
>>     perfectly before the update. Using the IP of the machine allows me
>>     to access the other shares, but not this one. It was also the one
>>     with the most restrictive access ACLs, but they look fine to me.
>>     OmniOS-Xeon:~ olaf$ sharemgr show
>>     ...
>>     zfs
>>          zfs/tank/home/olaf
>>                /tank/home/olaf
>>     [and more shares, all working]
>>     OmniOS-Xeon:~ olaf$ ls -lV /tank/home/
>>     total 34
>>     drwx------+ 15 olaf     olaf          15 Oct 25 11:27 olaf
>>                    user:olaf:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>>             group:2147483648 <tel:2147483648
>> >:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:allow
>>                    everyone@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:fd-----:deny
>>     OmniOS-Xeon:~ olaf$ tail /var/adm/messages
>>     Apr 20 22:30:04 OmniOS-Xeon smbsrv: [ID 138215 kern.notice] NOTICE:
>>     smbd[OMNIOS-XEON\olaf]: temporar share not found
>>     Apr 20 22:30:04 OmniOS-Xeon last message repeated 10 times
>>     Apr 20 22:30:33 OmniOS-Xeon smbsrv: [ID 138215 kern.notice] NOTICE:
>>     smbd[OMNIOS-XEON\olaf]: olaf share not found
>>     Apr 20 22:30:36 OmniOS-Xeon last message repeated 8 times
>>     As you can see, the last letter of the share name in
>>     /var/adm/messages gets cut for the share "temporary", but not for my
>>     own share "olaf". However, my own share is neither visible nor
>>     accessible, while the other ones are.
>>     Has anything changed about permissions with SMB2?
>>     Thanks
>>     Olaf
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