I should also mention: The other solution for the problem of
"centralized Windows accounts in a Unix shop" is to run a Samba AD
server somewhere, and point your other clients that want LDAP to that.
That way you can just tell the Windows clients to use domain accounts.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Gordon Ross <gordon.w.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the delay -- been quite busy.  I do look at this list, but
> only occasionally.
> The way LDAP auth. works in SMB servers like Samba is that the server
> allows SMB clients (i.e. Windows) to logon using accounts that work
> the same as "local" accounts (what Windows would call "local"
> accounts, meaning they are NOT domain accounts).  However, while the
> SMB clients think these are "local" accounts, the server uses
> something akin to the name service switch functions for LDAP to get
> the details of these accounts needed for SMB.
> Such accounts are not really "local", but are defined in your LDAP
> service.  The SMB server needs a way to get some Windows-specific
> details about those accounts from LDAP, including the "NT password
> hash" (for authentication) and some other Windows-ish details.
> The current LDAP libraries in illumos are sufficient for this (though
> for other reasons, it would be nice if we could update them some day).
> What's missing is some "glue" in the name service switch design, and
> perhaps a new lookup method for the "NT password hash", which is
> similar conceptually to the "shadow password" back-end functions.  One
> can probably pretty much copy/paste the LDAP back-end function for
> shadow passwd. to make the "ntpass" or whatever we call this new
> nsswitch method.  The current /var/smb/smbpasswd stuff, currently
> accessed directly from libsmb should really go through the "files"
> back-end, and we might want to consider taking the opportunity to
> change the format of that file (though that means doing some format
> conversion work during upgrades).  Once a new nsswitch method for
> "ntpass" (or whatever) is in place, the parts of this in the SMB
> server (mostly libsmb) are fairly easy.
> Requests for this feature have come up from time to time over the last
> few years, but (so far) not from anyone who wanted it badly enough to
> pay for the work.
> Gordon
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Dan McDonald <dan...@omniti.com> wrote:
>>> On Aug 18, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Mick Burns <bmx1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> *bump*
>>> anyone ?
>> I'm going to forward your note to someone I know who works on CIFS.  He's 
>> not on this list.
>> Stay tuned,
>> Dan
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