Thanks Dan, 

One issue…I can’t backup my BE for a like reason.

beadm create omnios-backup2
Unable to create omnios-backup2.
Missing boot menu file.

On 11/29/16, 7:11 PM, "Dan McDonald" <> wrote:

    > On Nov 29, 2016, at 8:06 PM, John Barfield <> 
    > Hi Dan, 
    > I hit a bad key combination and outlook sent me email prematurely. 
    > I’d like to update to the latest stable release. The old nfs lockd bug is 
on my last nerve. 
    Oh my... I also just realized something... you're REALLY (r151012) old.  We 
now require signatures for our packages.
    I'd HIGHLY recommend as an intermediate step updating to r151014 (still the 
LTS release) first.  Here's the how-to guide which includes rewhacking your 
package policy:

    Start there, including that you back up your current be first:
        beadm create backup-r151012-be
    THEN you can upgrade to the latest stable -- NOTE you have to switch your 
r151014 from SunSSH to OpenSSH first:

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