At this phase I would honestly recommend attempting to reproduce LX issues
on the latest SmartOS and reporting them to Joyent.
Anything that manifests on OmniOS but not SmartOS would be an indication
that there's something we could pull over from SmartOS to fix on OmniOS.

Chrome and Chromium I'm confident are still broken on SmartOS too. I think
it uses namespace and/or cgroup functionality for sandboxing that have not
been implemented in LX yet.

I seem to recall Firefox mostly working the last time I tried, for whatever
that's worth.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 5:08 AM, Tobias Oetiker <> wrote:

> On 11 Jan, 2017, at 00:03, Dan McDonald wrote:
> > Given how encompassing the 022 work is, don't hold your breath.  If
> there are
> > real, provable show-stoppers in LX, fixes may get backported.
> We have setup ThinLinc ( in an ubuntu 16.04 lx zone ...
> ThinLinc is a sunray like environment with very fast vnc based
> software-thin-clients ...
> the setup works great on lx and is VERY fast, compared to
> doing the same thing in kvm ...
> the only 'show-stopper' for us is that chrome (and chromium) crash pretty
> much instantly after launch ...
> so I would be quite interesting on how to report lx issues ... (and yes we
> do have a omniti support contract).
> cheers
> tobi
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