Is it possible for me to add inputs into the interface config for my

I use a utility to restrict uplink speed called wondershaper.

Normally my /etc/network/interfaces has something like:

up /sbin/wondershaper eth0 X Y

Would like to do the same if possible in the zone config.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 1:56 PM Dan McDonald <> wrote:

> > On Jan 11, 2017, at 5:04 AM, Andy Fiddaman <> wrote:
> >
> > Will we still be able to to configure the networking under zonecfg?
> Yes.
> > Basically what I'm asking is can we stop our zones from being able to
> change
> > their IP address?
> That's a different question, and the answer is going to be no going
> forward, as it is no today.
> I have LX zones using zonecfg(1M) to set DHCP.  I can go in as root@lx-zone
> and use /native/sbin/{ifconfig,route} to take it over.  I don't know off
> the top of my head if SmartOS restricts things this way, but OmniOS does
> not.
> Dan
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