Thanks for creating the updated ISO. I can now mount that disc to the IPMI's virtual drive, which is a lot more convenient!
"prtconf -v" and "prtconf -vp" also work fine now.

Unfortunately I am unable to capture their output. I tried several ways:

a) Network. Problem: The OmniOS installer won't recognize my Intel X550 10G network card.

b) Serial-over-LAN. Problem: I can see everything including the OmniOS installer bootloader, but afterwards serial output stops. There seems to be no option to enable serial console output for the main installer!?

c) USB stick. Problem: How to identify the USB stick in the installer shell? There is no "rmformat" to identify the device. "ls -l /dev/rdsk/c*0" only showed the CD-ROM. The USB stick will probably not work at all because there is no XHCI support in the installer, I guess.

Any ideas?

Anyway, I just ran "devfsadm -C" and I saw this output:
"nvme0: NVMe spec version 1.2"

This suggests that the SSD is indeed a NVM 1.2 SSD. :-(
But I still did not find a proper datasheet or any (Linux, ...) tool to identify the NVMe level.

What are your plans to support NVMe 1.2?

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS r151020: Setup won't see my NVMe disk
From: Dan McDonald <>
To: Arne <>, Dan McDonald <>
Date: Wed Mar 22 2017 19:01:17 GMT+0100

Please try this ISO:

which now has a working prtconf (because /lib/amd64/ is now there).  Then please 
share "prtconf -v" and "prtconf -vp" output.  (You should be able to bring up a 
network interface using the installer shell.)


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