Could this be in any way related to the issue I reported recently ( where I tried to run "pkglint" in order to prepare an IPS package and got a "MemoryError" with the specific statement that "This is an internal error in pkg(5) version ..."?

Not sure if it does, because I got this error on a freshly installed r151022 "vanilla" system, so no upgrade from r151014 or anything. Also, if I run "pkg install pkg:/package/pkg" now on that system, it responds with "No updates necessary for this image", so I doubt it is really related. However, I couldn't help but ask, as I haven't received any response on the other matter yet and both are related to "pkg"...


On 2017-07-31 17:14, Davide Poletto wrote:
Hello all, just a follow up about the upgrade from OmniOS r151014 to OmniOSce r151022 (r151022i) via OmniOS r151022: it was flawless in my case...the only additional step it required before the final pkg update -rv documented step (so the system was still on OmniOS r151022) was the mandatory update of pkg(5) package:

 /usr/bin/pkg update -rv
WARNING: pkg(5) appears to be out of date, and should be updated before
running update.  Please update pkg(5) by executing 'pkg install
pkg:/package/pkg' as a privileged user and then retry the update.

root@nas01:~# pkg install pkg:/package/pkg
            Packages to update:   1
       Create boot environment:  No
Create backup boot environment: Yes

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS FILES    XFER (MB)   SPEED
Completed                                1/1 42/42      1.2/1.2  430k/s

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Removing old actions                             1/1
Installing new actions                           1/1
Updating modified actions                      43/43
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           1/1
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done
Reading search index                            Done
Updating search index                            1/1
Updating package cache                           1/1

I'm pretty sure that, when the system still was on OmniOS r151022 (so when the publisher was still <>), the system was also fully up-to-date...I remember I did a pkg update -nv to check its status...but no updates were necessary (so the pkg(5) update's requirement reported above probably is a direct consequence of the publisher repository change from <> to <> which is the mandatory step prior of the final pkg update -rv command execution).

Worth to mention that additional step on the paragraph?


On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Krzysztof Grzempa < <>> wrote:

    Hello Jens
    Currenty im out of home.
    I will try it out tommorow and report results...


    29.07.2017 00:28 "Jens Bauernfeind"
    <>> napisaƂ(a):


        what happens when you just try to update entire?
        pkg update -nv entire
        pkg install -nv entire

        Best Regards,
        From: OmniOS-discuss [
        <>] on behalf of
        Krzysztof Grzempa [ <>]
        Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 10:50
        Subject: Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS r151014: failed to switch
        from SunSSH      to OpenSSH

        So, any other ideas ? I would like to avoid plain new
        installation scenario :)


        2017-07-28 1:29 GMT+02:00 Dan McDonald <
        Yeah that's right.  Sorry -- had to ask.


        Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)

        On Jul 27, 2017, at 4:36 PM, Krzysztof Grzempa
        <>>> wrote:

        Hi Dan,
        I had done prerequsities before i started:

        root@mojvps:/root# pkg list -v ca-bundle
        FMRI                            IFO
pkg://omnios/web/ca-bundle@5.11-0.151014:20170414T020006Z i--

        there is 'April' certificates..right ?


        2017-07-27 22:28 GMT+02:00 Dan McDonald <
        You're sure you're on the very latest 014? Could be lack of
        updated certificates...


        Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)

        On Jul 27, 2017, at 4:14 PM, Krzysztof Grzempa
        <>>> wrote:

        I will grab this thread as it is somehow similiar. I want to
        upgrade from r151014 to r151022. I went throught all steps of:
        but when Im performing upgrade:

        # /usr/bin/pkg update --be-name r151022

        i got:

        root@mojvps:/root# /usr/bin/pkg update --be-name r151022
        Creating Plan (Running solver): |
        pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints
        Plan Creation: Package solver has not found a solution to
        update to latest available versions.
        This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are

        latest incorporations:

pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/illumos-gate@11,5.11-0.151022:20170510T210757Z pkg://omnios/consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation@0.5.11,5.11-0.151022:20170510T212740Z pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/omnios-userland@11,5.11-0.151022:20170511T001737Z
        Dependency analysis is unable to determine exact cause.
        Try specifying expected results to obtain more detailed error

        I set publisher correctly IHMO:

        root@mojvps:/root# pkg publisher
        PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
        omnios                      origin   online F

        Any ideas ?

        I want to upgrade to CE after that.

        Thanks in advance

        2017-07-24 17:01 GMT+02:00 Davide Poletto
        Thanks Andy, thanks Peter.

        So now OpenSSH is installed:

        root@nas01:/root# pkg list | grep ssh
        network/openssh  7.4.1-0.151014             i--
        network/openssh-server 7.4.1-0.151014             i--
        root@nas01:/root# ssh -V
        OpenSSH_7.4p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017

        Totally my fault in not following the right Release Notes (I
        thought I should have followed the destination version -
        r151022 - Release Notes instead the one from where the upgrade
        process has to start, r151014 in my case).

        Thanks again for pointing me on the right track.

        Best regards, Davide.

        On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Peter Tribble
        <>>> wrote:

        On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Davide Poletto
        <>>> wrote:
        Hello all,

        I'm facing a strange issue on a pretty standard OmniOS r151014
        LTS box fully updated (only Global Zone), following the
        "Upgrading to r151022" instructions at
        required before any jump to OmniOS r151022 (my final target is
        OmniOS Community Edition r151022i) I found that I'm unable to
        switch to OpenSSH as per "Upgrading to OpenSSH from SunSSH"
        instructions on the same page:

        executing the suggested command:

        root@nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
        pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
        pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject
        pkg:/service/network/ssh-common pkg:/network/openssh

        fails with the message:

        pkg install: The following pattern(s) did not match any
        allowable packages.  Try
        using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher


        The r151014 release notes


        /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject pkg:/network/ssh
        --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
        pkg:/service/network/ssh pkg:/network/openssh

        Blindly I tried to omit the specific "ssh-common" package reject

        I think you were on the right track.

        but the result is not conforting me (maybe I tried a command
        in a totally wrong way not understanding what the --reject
        options really mean):

        root@nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
        pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
        pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/openssh

        I think you have an extra --reject in there, so you've told it
        not to
        install openssh.

        -Peter Tribble -

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