On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Al Slater <al.sla...@scluk.com> wrote:
> One more question though, is there any way to enable an SMF service for
> the next reboot, but not immediately.  Specifically, I want to enable
> the initial-boot service with a .initialboot file in place, then create
> a new AMI.
> I wist to use .initialboot to grab the instance configuration from
> amazon (hostname, root keys etc) and configure appropriately when the
> new instance starts.

Hi Al,
The initial-boot service isn't really suitable for this sort of thing.
You might want to check out
pkg://omnios/system/management/ec2-credential which specifically
handles setting up the credentials at first boot.  That could be
trivially extended[1] to set the system hostname and probably any
other "standard" thing that operators want.


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