OK .

The BE with errors still with errors .

The new BE, after trying to import the pool with missing log device,
is working .

So, I will change the default BE .

Like all others msg with this error in all forums, this problem have
no solution .

To finish it, someone can direct me to a doc about how to change default BE ?

Thanks everyone

Fábio Rabelo

2017-08-21 7:44 GMT-03:00 Fábio Rabelo <fa...@fabiorabelo.wiki.br>:
> just realised, the pool are health, but the log drive shows missing !
> Can it be the problem ?
> Wil try to deatach it .
> And :
>> The only thing I can think of is ... did you refresh the active service
>> manifest?
>> e.g.
>> svcadm refresh boot-archive:default
> no effect .
> Fábio Rabelo
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Hugh McIntyre <li...@mcintyreweb.com>
> Date: 2017-08-21 3:20 GMT-03:00
> Subject: Re: [OmniOS-discuss] manteinance mode
> To: Fábio Rabelo <fa...@fabiorabelo.wiki.br>
> Sorry, I can't reliably help beyond this.  You should probably post
> back to the Illumos or OmniOS lists.
> There are a few on-line search results matching your error, for example:
> https://openindiana.org/pipermail/openindiana-discuss/2012-May/008038.html
>    - From 2012: attempts to increase timeout
>                 (may fix your issue but doubtful)
> https://community.oracle.com/thread/3764402?tstart=0
>    - Suggests you changed some configuration which broke things.
>    - Maybe broken vfstab, or some other config change
> http://www.unix.com/solaris/155331-system-stuck-up-maintanence-mode.html
>    - Similar config change
>    - This suggests to rebuild the boot archive.  But not sure
>      this is safe unless you understand the error
> Hugh.
> On 8/20/17 6:27 PM, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
>> I rebooted the system, and now the file has a content .
>> In the attachment
>> sorry the jpeg, the system do not allow ssh connection, I cannot cut
>> and paste anything .
>> Fábio Rabelo
>> 2017-08-20 22:19 GMT-03:00 Hugh McIntyre <li...@mcintyreweb.com>:
>>> OK, then probably /var/svc/log/system-boot-archive.
>>> Essentially, /var/svc/log should contain logs for the services, hopefully
>>> including the reason for any errors.  The only exception should be early in
>>> the boot process if the root FS is not mounted read/write.
>>> I'm not sure why you're seeing the error you are seeing unless there is some
>>> other console message referring to a hardware timeout before the svc.startd
>>> message below?
>>> Hugh.
>>> On 8/20/17 5:52 PM, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
>>>> thanks for you help
>>>> But, the are no file with that name in the folder .
>>>> files startting with boot are :
>>>> system-boot-archive-update
>>>> system-boot-archive
>>>> system-boot-config
>>>> system-initial-boot
>>>> comand run where :
>>>> ls |grep boot
>>>> Fábio Rabelo
>>>> 2017-08-20 20:39 GMT-03:00 Hugh McIntyre <li...@mcintyreweb.com>:
>>>>> What does /var/svc/log/system-boot-archive:default.log say near the end?
>>>>> Hugh.
>>>>> On 8/20/17 4:28 PM, Fábio Rabelo wrote:
>>>>>> hi to all
>>>>>> A system, with 3 years on line, no issue at all, passed to a power
>>>>>> failure today, and when it boots, I have several msg like this :
>>>>>> svc.startd[10] : svc:/system/boot-archive:default: method or service
>>>>>> exit timed out. killing contract 16.
>>>>>> svcadm clear makes any difference ...
>>>>>> any help, please !!!
>>>>>> Fábio Rabelo
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