Hello Everyone,

We are attempting execute 'init_customer' to pre-populate A&AI but we the robot 
test cases (demo.sh) are failing. At the same time, we can see the healthcheck 
(ete.sh) is passing after adding some changes to bring up the docker services 

Following are the logs from robot vm:

$ ./demo.sh init_customer
Starting Xvfb on display :89 with res 1280x1024x24
Executing robot tests at log level TRACE
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...
Initialize Customer                                                   | FAIL |
KeyError: 'tenant'
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

$ ./ete.sh health

OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp components are...
Basic DCAE Health Check                                               | FAIL |
Value of dictionary key 'healthTestStatus' does not match: YELLOW != GREEN
Basic SDNGC Health Check                                              | PASS |
Basic A&AI Health Check                                               
InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding 
certificate verification is strongly advised. See: 
| PASS |
Basic Policy Health Check                                             | PASS |
Basic MSO Health Check                                                | PASS |
Basic ASDC Health Check                                               | PASS |
Basic APPC Health Check                                               | PASS |
Basic Portal Health Check                                             | PASS |
Basic Message Router Health Check                                     | PASS |
Basic VID Health Check                                                | PASS |
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Health-Check :: Testing ecomp compo... | FAIL |
10 critical tests, 9 passed, 1 failed
10 tests total, 9 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | FAIL |
10 critical tests, 9 passed, 1 failed
10 tests total, 9 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | FAIL |
10 critical tests, 9 passed, 1 failed
10 tests total, 9 passed, 1 failed
OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | FAIL |
10 critical tests, 9 passed, 1 failed
10 tests total, 9 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /share/logs/ETE_20981/output.xml
Log:     /share/logs/ETE_20981/log.html
Report:  /share/logs/ETE_20981/report.html

Kindly help to pass through this step.

Subhash Kumar Singh
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