Dear Members,

The votes for our Subcommittee chair person have been cast and the poll is 
Chengli(myself) has been elected as chair  for the 
 <>). Thanks 
for your support.
I will be setting up meetings – anyone interested in Open Lab Subcommittee are 
welcome to join us.

Looking forward to work together with you!

Thanks and Regards,

> 在 2017年6月29日,下午3:25,Chengli Wang <> 写道:
> Dear Members,
> Upon closing our self-nomination period or Open Lab Subcommittee, we have 
> only one candidate: Chengli Wang
> If you support Chengli for Chairperson, please vote BY URL according to mail 
> send from <> 
> Email ballots have been distributed to all members registered as of the Open 
> Lab Submitted page 
> <>
> Poll ends Wed. July 1th, at 07:00AM
> Please verify that email from 
> <> does not end up in your spam or junk folder.
> Thanks a lot for your kind help
> Best regards,
> Chengli
>> 在 2017年6月27日,下午12:24,Chengli Wang < 
>> <>> 写道:
>> Dear Open Lab subcommitters:
>> According to the discussion on the last ONAP TSC meeting, The Open Lab 
>> Subcommittee has been formally approved. I would like to solicit 
>> self-nominations for the coordinator/chairperson of Open Lab Subcommittee.
>> Any member of the Open Lab Subcommittee may run for this position.  Please 
>> note, to indicate that you are a member of the Open Lab Subcommittee you 
>> *MUST* put your name and email address on the Open Lab Subcommittee Wiki 
>> page located here: 
>> <>
>> The nomination period will end  4:00 AM UTC, Thursday, June 29.
>> To nominate, please respond to this email with your intention to run.
>> After the nomination period is closed, a voting poll will be set up for vote 
>> collection.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Chengli
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>> ONAP-TSC mailing list
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