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-------- Original message --------
Date: 9/16/17 3:59 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [dcae][dcaegen2] Three Questions about DCAE

Hi Lusheng,

I've been trying to implement the basic integration of Holmes and DCAE, which 
is using the CBS to get the configuration information of other components. As 
the work went on, some questions arose:

1. There are two types of DMaaP topics: secure and unsecure. How to use the 
authentication information provided by DCAE while calling the DMaaP APIs? I do 
not see any APIs in terms of authentication in the DMaaP docs.

[lji]  DMaaP Message Routet actually supports 3 kinds of 
authentication/security mechasim: anonymous, API key, and AAF.  DCAE plans to 
use unauthenticated for R1.  I donot know if any component plans to use AAF.  
Using AAF requires additional provisioning steps and requires basic auth 
header.  The DMaaP project should have provided documentation for API.


2. When pulling data from DMaaP, the consumer group and the consumer ID are 
required (see below). Neither of them are embodied in the response message from 
the CBS above. How and where could we get those parameters?


[lji] These two parameters are under your control.   They together identify a 
subscriber to the Message Router.  DMaaP Message Router uses such info to 
decide when to advance message offset.  The MR guarantees message delivery to 
each group.  You may have multiple subscribers under the same group for the 
same topic as a load balancing measure, --each of them receives a subset of 
messages.  Different subscribers to the same topic, if each wishes to get all 
the messages, should use different group IDs.

3. If we want to get the CBS address, we have to use the value of the env 
variable CONSUL_HOST to compose the url and perform the query. What I 
understand is that the CONSUL_HOST is actually a hostname, which means we need 
a DNS to support the conversion from a hostname to the corresponding IP. In 
this case, do we have to set up a DNS inside each of the Holmes dockers in 
order that the coversion could be working when we make calls to the Consul? Is 
the service information returned by the CBS (or Consul) in the form of ip 
addresses or hostnames?


[lji]  You do not need to do that.  The DNS mapping is configured via cloud's 
DNS service.  I am cc-ing Tommy for this question.  Since he developed CBS, his 
answer would be the most accurate.

Could you please kindly answer them for me?


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