Hi Vladimir
The diagram is more a technical overview of onap components.

Le 14 nov. 2017 à 11:25, Vladimir Yanover (vyanover) 
<vyano...@cisco.com<mailto:vyano...@cisco.com>> a écrit :

Hello, Kenny
Thanks for sharing the Architecture diagram.
I will appreciate if you help me with a question that I have on the ONAP 
architecture documentation.
Consider potential products to be integrated into the ONAP system itself, 
interfacing to its components such as the Policy Framework and SDN-C Controller.
For such integration, the published Architecture diagram lacks many details 
that normally are provided in the architecture specifications, such as 3GPP TS 
23.501 or ETSI GS NFV 002. It’s functional description of every component, 
interfaces between the components, operations that can be executed over these 
interfaces etc. Examples from open source communities: the OpenStack’s 
Conceptual architecture 
 and Networking architecture at 

Here is my question: is there an intention / timeline for delivery of 
specifications with this level of details?

Vladimir Yanover (Cisco)

From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Kenny Paul
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:13 AM
To: onap-discuss 
<onap-discuss@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>>; onap-tsc 
Cc: Lisa Caywood 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Official ONAP Architecture Slide

Should be fixed. I’ve been using Confluence since 2010 and I just learned 
something new tonight :-}

Also, I'm not sure how the same word can be misspelled 3 times in an email and 
not flagged as an error until I reply.

Best Regards,

Kenny Paul,  Technical Program Manager

On Nov 13, 2017, at 4:14 PM, 邓灵莉/Lingli Deng 
<denglin...@chinamobile.com<mailto:denglin...@chinamobile.com>> wrote:

Hi Kenny

I am a raid that the link returns a error as Page not found.


发送自 Windows 10 版邮件<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>应用

发件人: Kenny Paul<mailto:kp...@linuxfoundation.org>
发送时间: 2017年11月14日 8:04
收件人: onap-discuss<mailto:onap-discuss@lists.onap.org>; 
抄送: Lisa Caywood<mailto:lcayw...@linuxfoundation.org>
主题: [onap-tsc] Official ONAP Architecture Slide

As was pointed out in Paris there are too many variations of the Amsterdam 
architecture which is bad to say the least.
The officially approved image for the Amsterdam Architecture and be found here:

In preparation for the release announcement here is what we are asking in order 
of priority:

-If an archecture image is referecned in your official readthedocs 
documentation, please use this image

-If an archecture image is referenced in your wiki pages,  please add the URL 
above to reference the the image.

-If an archecture image is referecned in a presentation slide deck, please 
ensure you use this image.

I am intentionally NOT distributing it because that is how we ended up with so 
many versions in the first place. :-)


Best Regards,

Kenny Paul,  Technical Program Manager

ONAP-TSC mailing list


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