
just a short update

2 new dockers have been started and a new database has been added in the 
existing mongo on the opnfv testresults machine.

the reporting page for onap can be found at 
the reporting page is installer centric (oom, heat) but could be adapted. Link 
to public CI/CD could also be added if needed

for the moment only the Orange Openlab is pushing some test results (robot 
tests on Amsterdam release): 
the swagger of the test API dedicated to ONAP: 
http://testresults.opnfv.org/onap/swagger/spec.html (same password than for 
OPNFV to access the page)
with some examples (no need of a password to get info from the DB through the 
- list of declared ONAP pods: http://testresults.opnfv.org/onap/api/v1/pods
- list of functional testcases: 
- some results: 
for the results you can play with all the possible filters: version, pod, case, 
installer (oom, heat), dates (from/to), last N iterations, last N days...

I imagine it could be interesting to define a DNS redirection
testresults.onap.org => testresults.opnfv.org/onap-testing/
testresults-api.onap.org => testresults.opnfv.org/onap/


Le mercredi 14 février 2018 à 08:59 +0100, Morgan Richomme a écrit :
Hi Jess

hmm, I showed in a demo yesterday that it was relatively easy to adaptable to 
 for details
I rewrote what was needed..

However instead of creating a new resources as I mentioned in my ticket, I 
think it would make sense to reuse existing OPNFV VM.
The VM has still resources, the goal is the same in ONAP and OPNFV, collecting 
cases/results and creating aggreagte view
Moreover the DB backup mechanism is automated (from OPNFV 
we could
- add a new DB in mongo
- start a new test API docker (re-use of existing docker) dedicated to ONAP 
connected to this new DB
- start a new reporting docker (adaptation of the existing one, need a repo 
integration/reporting to share the core) adapted to ONAP
- reconfigure the nginx
- confidure a onap.org subdomain integration.onap.org or testresults.onap.org

I still have access to the machine, I can do the 4 first actions quickly...but 
I would need action from your side for the subdomain..


Le mercredi 14 février 2018 à 02:36 -0500, Jessica Wagantall via RT a écrit :
Dear Morgan,

I was talking today with Aric about this (since he has seen this working in 
I know from him that this system is not easily adaptable to other projects.

Are you familiar with how this system is developed?

Do you know who can help us rewriting this so that easily adaptable to other 


On Mon Feb 05 03:17:16 2018, 
morgan.richo...@orange.com<mailto:morgan.richo...@orange.com> wrote:

would it be possible to get IT resources to host ONAP integration
The idea is to collect test results from the different CI chains and
provide an aggregated view of the results (referencing jenkins runs on
different labs with different installers, on different versions
(Amsterdam, Master (Beijing),..).
It is an adaptation of what is currently done in OPNFV
The most straight forward way would be
- duplication of the testresults.opnfv.org VM managed by Linux
Foundation (nginx, docker APi, docker reporting, mongo DB, git, would
be preinstalled)
- configuration of testresults subdomain for onap main domain to point
testresults.onap.org to the IP of this duplicated VM

I would make some cleaning on the duplicated VM
- clean several accounts used in OPNFV and not needed for ONAP
- dump of the OPNFV DB
- creation of ONAP DB (installers: OOM, Heat; test cases: Functional
test cases (robot, vFW, vLB,), benchmark ..)

We should also re-use the existing jenkins Jobs in order to sync the
deployement of the dockers, backup the DB from ONAP main CI

If it is not possible to duplicate the VM, is it possible to get a
fresh VM
- 2 vCPU
- 80 Go disk
- 8 Go Ram
We could even start smaller if needed, but that is the current sizing
on OPNFV side and we had to increase it once (initial sizing was too

I gave a try on my local POD and took some screenshots (attached file)
Please note that Functest here means all the functional testing (no
bijection with the OPNFV functest project) and would leverage the
robot healtcheck as well as automated functional testcases.
Benchmark corresponds to the new benchmark project

I think it is a good example of Xcommunity synergies..




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