

will it be possible to fully deploy DCAE using OOM in R2 ?


It seems that trend is to move to containers from VM's, also DCAE is going into this direction.

what I heard here https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Meetings?preview=/13598723/31982711/dcae-weekly-20180503.mp4

is that currently DCAE can be spawned on single bootstrap VM (8G-16G of RAM) and all components are running as docker containers, also it

should be possible to deploy it fully using OOM.

I tried today to deploy latest ONAP in OOM (multinode, single node is not possible anymore with 110 pods per k8s host limitation) but I see just following dcae pods ....


onap          beijing-dcae-cloudify-manager-fb9f5d6bd-bss2n      1/1       Running             0          4h
onap          beijing-dcae-db-0                                  1/1       Running             0          4h
onap          beijing-dcae-db-1                                  1/1       Running             0          2h
onap          beijing-dcae-healthcheck-78999885d5-5hts8          1/1       Running             0          4h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-0                               1/1       Running             0          4h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-1                               1/1       Running             0          3h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-2                               1/1       Running             0          2h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-3                               1/1       Running             0          2h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-4                               1/1       Running             0          2h
onap          beijing-dcae-redis-5                               1/1       Running             0          1h 


where is the rest ?

please advise


have a nice weekend





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