Hi James and CT,

“aai-aai” actually refers to the HA Proxy service. Microservices/components 
that need to contact the A&AI APIs do so via the HA proxy service which is why 
you will see references to “aai-aai” in the Helm charts.

Hope that helps,

On May 16, 2018, at 3:48 AM, C.T. Paterson 
<ctpaterson+o...@gmail.com<mailto:ctpaterson+o...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi James,

Not sure if you and Harish talked offline, but just noticed this note.  I 
believe the AAI service should be considered retired.  It predates the 
Amsterdam release when it was decomposed into the Resources and Traversal 
microservice which collectively supplanted its functionality.


On 4 May 2018 at 13:48, James MacNider 
<james.macni...@amdocs.com<mailto:james.macni...@amdocs.com>> wrote:
Hi Harish,

I’ve got a question about the naming of the A&AI service in OOM that listens on 
port 8443.  Currently, this service is called simply ‘aai’, and is referred to 
as such by all clients.

$ kubectl get svc -n onap
NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         
aai                   NodePort    <none>        
8080:30232/TCP,8443:30233/TCP                                       33s
aai-cassandra         ClusterIP   None            <none>        
9042/TCP,9160/TCP                                                   34s
aai-elasticsearch     ClusterIP   None            <none>        9200/TCP        
aai-hbase             ClusterIP   None            <none>        
2181/TCP,8080/TCP,8085/TCP,9090/TCP,16000/TCP,16010/TCP,16201/TCP   34s
aai-modelloader       NodePort   <none>        
8080:30210/TCP,8443:30229/TCP                                       34s
aai-resources         ClusterIP   None            <none>        
8447/TCP,5005/TCP                                                   34s
aai-search-data       ClusterIP   None            <none>        9509/TCP        
aai-sparky-be         ClusterIP   None            <none>        9517/TCP        
aai-traversal         ClusterIP   None            <none>        
8446/TCP,5005/TCP                                                   33s

I noticed though that “aai-aai” is configured as the service name in 
oom/kubernetes/aai/values.yaml, and also in the values.yaml for aai-sparky-be:

$ grep -R aai-aai *
aai/values.yaml:    serviceName: aai-aai
aai/charts/aai-sparky-be/values.yaml:    serviceName: aai-aai

Is the “aai-aai” naming a relic that should be removed?


James MacNider
Software Architect

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology
(office) (613)-595-5213

Amdocs is a Platinuim Member of ONAP<https://onap.org/>

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