Hello ONAP Community:

Those in attendance at OSN North America in Los Angeles last March will
recall that we hosted an *LF Networking Booth* that showcased 8
compelling, community-driven
demos from the LFN technical projects. See this blog post
 for a description of the ONS North America booth demos, their focus areas,
and how they fit together.

We wanted to reach out now to each of the LFN project communities to let
you know that there will be space for ~8 networking demos inside the LFN
booth again at ONS Europe
 (Sept 25-27, Amsterdam) and we are seeking demo ideas again using the same
process as last time. Our goal again is to show compelling uses of LFN
networking project technology to solve real world industry challenges.
Demos that show cross-project elements (e.g. between LFN projects and
others), that map to a specific industry use case, and that are endorsed by
a service provider are preferred. That said, we have some room for demos
that highlight the good work and value-add from projects that don't
necessarily meet these criteria. At least one demo slot will be made
available for each LFN project that submits a quality idea.

Another LFN Booth demo option we're exploring is to feature the PNDA project
  <http://pnda.io/>analyzing data from other open source projects (e.g.
ONAP). If we went this direction, it would require participation and
coordination with the PNDA team for demo development and execution. If you
have been working on PNDA integration and are interested in pursuing this
idea, please contact Nick Hall: nich...@cisco.com.

Demos stations will again have storage space, a counter, backdrop, monitor,
power, and Wi-Fi internet provided. A demo station mock up is now under
development and will be shared back with interested parties. There is no
cost to host a demo in the LFN booth although additional power, internet,
spaces, etc. may incur a cost.

Here are the key dates to keep in mind:

   - June 12: Demo idea solicitation email sent to community lists
   - July 9: Demo ideas submissions due
   - July 20: Demos ideas reviewed, chosen, and notifications sent

To submit your demo idea for consideration, please collect and provide the
following information:

   - Demo title (10 words max)
   - Brief demo description (200 words max)
   - List of demo manager(s) with contact information
   - List of open source projects involved
   - List of companies involved
   - Any extra requirements or special considerations

Demo manager responsibilities include:

   - Creating the demo concept and actual demo to be shown
   - Responding promptly to requests for information
   - Meeting all demo prep deadlines
   - Setting up and testing the demo pre-show and taking down post-show
   - Staffing the demo during ONS expo hours (along with other designated
   team members to help share the load)
   - Being willing to participate in media activities, e.g. photos, videos

ONS sponsor companies are of course welcome to host demos in their booths
on the show floor as well. Please heck with your ONS Europe sponsorship
managers to explore these opportunities.

*Submit your demo ideas by July 9 by sending an email
to bw...@linuxfoundation.org <bw...@linuxfoundation.org>*. LFN staff
leadership (Heather, Phil, Arpit) will then review the submissions, get
back to submitters with questions, suggestions, and recommend a final demo
roster by July 20th. Send any questions you may have to

We look forward to seeing your demo ideas.


Brandon Wick
Senior Integrated Marketing Manager
The Linux Foundation
onap-discuss mailing list

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