The procedure seems correct, but considering that you aren’t using a real VNF, something may be lost. For example, is your VES client reporting the source name? This would be the name of the vServer in which the VES agent runs when deployed in a real VNF. If so, is this vServer name in AAI? If not, DCAE fails the enrichment, although the closed loop should still go on.
Topics are created when needed, so if unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT isn’t there is because no message has been published in that topic yet. Can you post the TCA configuration from Consul? Marco From: Malinconico Aniello Paolo <> Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at 9:56 AM To: "PLATANIA, MARCO (MARCO)" <>, "" <> Cc: "MALAKOV, YURIY" <> Subject: Clamp Clarifications Hi Marco, first of all thanks for your help to understand and improve the ONAP framework. I am having some doubts about the CLAMP working cycle. I explain better below: I am following the VF Scale Out Use Case here :<> The deployment part, after some troubles, now works fine: all VM have been installed and configured correctly . Now, I am focusing my attention on the CLAMP deploymrnts part. In particulare I have created a clamp deployment as you done here<> My clamp deployment is very similar to yours. The event name associated to my clamp deployment is vLoadBalancer and the policy works if the threshold on receiveidTotalPacketDelta > 50 . After deploying it, a new pod has came up dep-s8583ff5e422342558ad8c7b924e334f9-dcaegen2-analytics-thlt8b . In my understanding this clamp deployment listens on the unauthenticated.VES_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT at eventName vLoadBalancer and if the policy is accepted (receiveidTotalPacketDelta > 50), it publishes the event (that will perform the closed loop i.e. command to run the scale out operation via SO) into the unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT. Right? So, to test it (only the publishing/subscribing events via clamp deployments) without deploying the VMs, I have written a simple VES Agent similar to the vFirewall’s one that sends the messages with eventName vLoadBalancer to the VES Collector that validates them and publishes them into the Message Router at unauthenticated.VES_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT topic. If the validation fails the message is dropped. I am sure my ves agent works because if I perform the GET request http://{{k8s}}:30227/events/unauthenticated.VES_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT/n3ll1x93/1<> , there are multiple messages sent by my ves agent with the parameter receiveidTotalPacketDelta that has a value greater than 50, so the policy should be triggered. To see if the clamp deployment works or not, I perform the GET request from http://{{k8s}}:30227/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT/OpenDCAE-clamp/c13<> , buti t returns the following messages: It returns {"mrstatus":3001,"helpURL":"<>","message":"No such topic exists.-[unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT]","status":404}. In fact if I check all existing topics http://{{k8s}}:30227/topics/<> , they are : { "topics": [ "", "unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT", "AAI-EVENT", "SDC-DISTR-STATUS-TOPIC-AUTO", "SDC-DISTR-NOTIF-TOPIC-AUTO", "", "POLICY-PDP-PAP", "POA-AUDIT-RESULT", "", "POA-AUDIT-INIT", "unauthenticated.VES_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT", "", "__consumer_offsets", "POA-RULE-VALIDATION" ] } And there is any topic called unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT . So should I create this topic unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT manually? Or something is wrong during my clamp configuration? How can I test the Clamp deployment correctly? Thanks a lot, Aniello Paolo Malinconico Aniello Paolo Malinconico Net Reply Via Cardinal Massaia, 83 10147 - Torino - ITALY phone: +39 011 29100<><> [Net Reply] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#18474): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-