Hi Oliver and all,

My answer to " I wouldn’t even know how that worked in practice. E.g. will 
those VNFs be available to competing vendors so they can test/develop ONAP 

We have already finished VoLTE testing in Open-O project with vIMS and vEPC 
comes from Huawei, ZTE and Ericsson. There was no problem using this 
proprietary vNFs for testing in Open-O. We also commit in ONAP community ZTE 
will provide our vNF packages with limited license for testing purpose.   

Deploying and managing vendor vNFs brings practical value to ONAP community. 
Anyway, target of ONAP project should be deploying and managing more commercial 
vNFs. I believe vNFs from  companies  other than ZTE and Huawei are also 
welcome for the VoLTE usecase.  

Best Regards,

Yuan Yue

袁越 yuanyue

资深战略规划师   Senior Strategy Planner

技术规划部/技术规划部/系统产品 Technology Planning Dept./Technology Planning Dept./System 

南京市雨花区软件大道50号中兴通讯3号楼1/F,Building 3, ZTE Nanjing R&D Center II, No.50, Software 
Avenue,YuHua District,Nanjing,P.R.China 210012
T: +025 88013478 

M: +86 13851446442 
E: yuan....@zte.com.cn 


发件人: <spat...@research.att.com>
收件人: <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
日 期 :2017年05月17日 03:47
主 题 :[onap-tsc] Thoughts on next steps.

I just went through the proposals and noticed that quite a few of them have not 
clearly defined boundaries between them which makes me wonder if they overlap 
(see table below). From experience overlapping project definitions rarely lead 
to good  outcomes (duplicate work gets done and people are very upset at the 
end…) so I think we should resolve this before approving the projects.
When I built this table I focused on what’s written in the proposals. Now from 
discussions I think some of the perceived overlaps might just be a matter of 
cleaning up the writing. Others might actually be real. In either case I think 
we need  to be clear and precise in the project description and can’t rely on 
various email exchanges for this.  I also don’t claim that my table is 
complete. If you want I can put the table on the Wiki so people can add there 
perceived or real overlaps.
I don’t know how you usually resolve those issues but I would think that the 
project leads for all projects which might have an overlap define a common 
statement which defines there relationship with each other in some level of 
detail. Thoughts?
I also looked at the use cases. Lingli and her team did a great job cleaning up 
the VoLTE use case:
The flow charts are a great start but we do need to get into more details and 
actually show the real API calls as well. I am also not sure I understand how 
exactly the legacy Open-O and legacy ECOMP components integrate. I think the 
next step  here is to walk through this in detail. I don’t think that’s 
something that can be done efficiently via email. I would suggest a call on the 
topic. That might actually be better then a F2F in June as it allows more 
developers to dial in.
One concern on this particular  use case is that only Huawei and ZTE have any 
VNFs in it. Personally I don’t think it’s a good start for an open project to 
start with proprietary VNFs from mainly one manufacturer with some contribution 
from a  second. I wouldn’t even know how that worked in practice. E.g. will 
those VNFs be available to competing vendors so they can test/develop ONAP code?
This brings me to overall use case scope and reality.
Using Gilda’s release plan (all his fault after all :)) we have to work all of 
this out by 6/29 (sounds a lot of time but really isn’t). Development is only 3 
months till RC0. We have 32 projects. That’s 21 projects more then the seed 
code of  8+3. If I ignore the toy use case we have two use cases proposed with 
the VoLTE one having more details then the other.  Coordinating interfaces one 
on one for the 32 projects requires 512 meetings. ….  I think if we are trying 
to achieve all of this in release  1 we are setting ourselves up for failure.
If it was up to me I would probably just focus the use cases on instantiation 
and one simple control loop. This might seem like very little but considering 
the work we need to start the projects, set up the labs, get developers 
familiar with the environment, get them lab access  etc… which all takes time.  
I think that would  be realistic for a first release and then we can adjust the 
second release accordingly.
 In terms of projects I would be very careful which projects have deliverables 
in release 1.0. . I don’t think having deliverable in release 1.0 is a gating 
function of getting a project approved. So the TSC can approve projects that 
make sense  but as said I would discourage some of them to have a contribution 
to the 1.0 release. 
Probably just stating the obvious … .
ProjectPotential Scope OverlappAAI
APPCCommon Controller… , VF-CAuthentication…
CLAMPModelingCommon Controller …VF-C, App-C, SDN-C, ONAP Operations Manager, 
Microservice Bus, DCAE, DMAAP, MultiVIM, Service OrchestrationDCAEHolmes, 
Common Controller…, DMAAPDMAAPCommon Controller… , DCAE (mentions data 
processing)DocumentationONAP UniversityExternal API FrameworkModeling, External 
System Register, ONAP ExtensibilityExternal System RegisterExternal API 
Framework, ONAP ExtensibilityHolmesDCAEICEVNF-SDKIntegrationONAP Operations 
ManagerMicroservice BusCommon Controller …,  ONAP Operations 
ManagerModelingCLAMPMiulti VimCommon Controller…Network Function Change..ONAP 
ONAP ExtensibilityONAP Operations Manager, External API Framework, External 
System RegisterONAP UniversityDocumentationONAP Operations ManagerCommon 
Controller… , Integration, Onap ExtensibilityONAP Usecase UI Project
Policy Driven VNF OrchestartionPolicy Framework, SNIROPolicy Framework…Policy 
Driven VNF OrchestrationPortal Platform …
SDN-CCommon Controller…Service Design & CreationModeling Service 
OrchestrationCommon Controller…SNIROPolicy Driven VNF OrchestrationVF-CCommon 
Controller… , App-CVID
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