发件人: <jf2...@att.com>
收件人: <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
抄送人: <francis.paque...@amdocs.com> <sweat...@amdocs.com>
<susan.byl...@amdocs.com> <ed.den...@amdocs.com> <steven.blim...@amdocs.com>
日 期 :2017年07月06日 00:27
主 题 :[onap-tsc] A&AI Project needs new repos for microservices
Dear ONAP TSC Members,
The A&AI team would like to request permission to add 3 new repositories for 2
new microservices and a new graph database abstraction library for the
Amsterdam release.
The repos will be called:
A&AI’s rationale for creating these separate repos as opposed to using a
subdirectory under an existing repo is as follows: it is the convention to
create a separate git repository for each microservice and library as is
demonstrated by the microservices currently part of the AAI project. The
advantages of separate repos (as opposed a single repo containing multiple
microservices) is the ability to manage access rights for each microservice.
Otherwise a user with write permissions to the “common” microservice repo could
accidentally (or intentionally) make change to another microservice.
Please let me know if further clarification is needed.
Thank you for your attention,
Jimmy Forsyth
ONAP-TSC mailing list