Hi Mazin and TSC

From our current charter approved:
https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4719160&preview=%2F4719160%2F4719377%2FONAP+TSC+Charter+APPROVED+7+1+CLEAN.pdf Removing Committers
A Committer may voluntarily resign from a project by making a public request to 
the PTL to resign (via the project and ONAP-TSC email lists).
A Committer for a project who is disruptive, or has been inactive on that 
project for an extended period (e.g., six or more months) may have his or her 
Committer status revoked by the project‟s Project Technical Leader (PTL) or by 
2/3 super-majority vote of the project’s committers.
The Project Technical Leader is responsible for informing the Technical 
Steering Committee (TSC) of any committers who are removed or resign via the 
ONAP-TSC email list.
Former committers removed for reasons other than being disruptive may be listed 
as „Emeritus Committers‟.  That title expresses gratitude for their service, 
but conveys none of the privileges of being a Committer.

I would like to get advice from our TSC how PTL could handle this, what’s the 
legal process to handle this.

I also think that this issue won’t interfere with moving forward to our 1st 
release before TSC guide us how to handle this

Thanks a lot

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