Dear TSC,

I would like some guidance on the proposal for a Control Loop SubCommittee. 
This was discussed in Paris F2F at the Control Loop E2E Meeting. We identified 
a need for a subcommittee to help coordinate the efforts of supporting Control 
Loops across all the multitude of projects that are involved. Coordination 
between the project teams proved difficult to manage amongst themselves. Each 
Use Case for Amsterdam also had slightly different requirements for their 
respective Control Loops. There needs to be an overarching subcommittee that 
can manage this effort.

This is what I am proposing:

Name: Control Loop Subcommittee
Purpose: Coordinate the projects involved in implementation of Control Loop for 
the use cases in each release.
Expected Deliverables:

·         Wiki – One-stop wiki page that can organize all the architectural and 
flow diagrams expected for the Use Cases targeted for a Release.

·         Architectural Diagram – Work with Architecture Sub Committee to 
provide architecture diagrams for Control Loop Design, Instantiation and 
Runtime Execution.

·         Flow Diagrams – Work with the relevant project teams to provide Flow 
Diagrams for creating Control Loops during Design Time Service Design and Flow 
Diagrams for Control Loop Runtime Instantiation and Execution.

·         Model definition (In coordination with Modeling, VNFSDK, VNF 
Requirements Sub Committees) – Coordinate the models for VNF Vendor 
Recommendations for Control Loops, Models for DCAE Microservices, Models for 
Policy Configuration/Operational Control Loop Policies, etc.

·         Project Requirements – Work with required Project teams to ensure 
commitments and deliverables for Control Loop Use Cases for a release. The Core 
teams are DCAE/CLAMP/Policy, but ultimately most projects are involved 
(APPC/VFC/SO/Dmaap/SDC/AAI to name a few).

·         Integration Testing Requirements – Work with the integration test 
team to build E2E Testing Scripts for Control Loop Design, Instantiation and 
Runtime Execution

·         Documentation Requirements – Work with the documentation team to 
build documentation on how the community can build, design and test Control 
Starting Participants:
                Pamela Dragosh – AT&T
                Liam Fallon – Ericsson
                Gervais-Martial Ngueko – AT&T
                Guangrong Fu – ZTE
                Grzegorz Tysczka – Orange
                Patrick Liu - Huawei


Pamela Dragosh
ONAP-TSC mailing list

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