Hi Phil
I am in favor with your proposal for #2


Le 11 janv. 2018 à 16:08, Phil Robb 
<pr...@linuxfoundation.org<mailto:pr...@linuxfoundation.org>> a écrit :

Hello ONAP TSC Members:

Now that ONAP is a part of the Linux Foundation Networking (LFN) Directed Fund, 
we need to decide how we are going to populate our ONAP Representative in the 
LFN Technical Advisory Council (TAC).

As a reminder, the Scope of the responsibilities of the TAC are:
•Scope of responsibility
•Recommend acceptance or removal of projects under the Umbrella to be approved 
by the Governing Board
•Focus on activities that drive collaboration and integration across projects 
(e.g. collaborative development, testing, etc)
•Elected TAC Chair provides guidance to Governing Board on investment needs of 
the project communities


Some of the options for us to populate our representative include:
1) Just have the TSC Chair represent ONAP in the TAC
2) Have the TSC vote for some TSC member to represent ONAP in the TAC
3) Have the Committers vote for some Committer-At-Large to represent ONAP in 
the TAC
... etc.

I will be setting up the first TAC meeting to occur somewhere in the last third 
of January and it would be good for the ONAP community to have representation 
from the start.

I personally lean toward option #2 because a) it does not by default put more 
burden on the TSC Chair unless they choose to run for the position, and b) 
having the representative come from the TSC ensures that our representative is 
up to speed on all TSC conversations that have occurred.  However, I certainly 
believe the other options are viable as well.

Given our tight schedule during TSC meetings in the coming weeks, it would be 
nice if we can come to a decision on this topic via email.  Please respond with 
your thoughts and opinions and based on the feedback received, I'll try to put 
together a vote on this topic in about a week.


Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb
ONAP-TSC mailing list


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