Yes, if you register for ONS then are unable to come due to not obtaining a
Visa in time, the LF will refund your registration fee.



On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 6:26 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Can we get the fee refunded if we can not manage to participate after
> registration due to uncontrollable reasons? E.g. rejection of the visa
> application.
> BR,
> Guangrong
> Original Mail
> *Sender: * <>;
> *To: * <>; <>;
> *Date: *2018/01/27 13:48
> *Subject: **[onap-discuss] ONS Registration Discount for active
> developers andleadership*
> _______________________________________________
> onap-discuss mailing list
> Hello ONAP community:
> Active developers and project leadership are strongly encouraged to
> participate in the ONS event.  Monday and Tuesday will be exceptionally
> valuable and the rest of the week can be used to either learn about
> something new going on in the industry and/or continue the discussions and
> work that are started on Monday and Tuesday.
> To facilitate as much developer participation as possible, we have
> arranged for a 50% (ie $600 for the early-bird registration) discount to
> individuals meeting any one of the following criteria:
> - You are an active contributor to ONAP with a gerrit ID and have
> submitted a patch within the last 6 months...and prior to receiving this
> email.
> - You are an active committer and have reviewed a code contribution within
> the past 6 months.... and prior to receiving this email.
> - You are a current TSC member
> - You are a current PTL
> - You are a Subcommittee Chairperson
> - You are the ONAP Release Manager.
> If you satisfy one of the criteria above, please do the following to
> register for ONS
>    -
>    Please click here
> <>
>  to
>    register for the conference
>    -
>    Select "Attendee Registration"
>    -
>    Enter the discount code: *ONSDVE18*
> My team will be reviewing everyone that uses this code, so please don't
> use it if you don't qualify.  We will void any registration made that does
> not meet the criteria.
> Best regards and I look forward to seeing everyone at ONS,
> Phil.
> --
> Phil Robb
> VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
> (O) 970-229-5949 <(970)%20229-5949>
> (M) 970-420-4292 <(970)%20420-4292>
> Skype: Phil.Robb

Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb
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