
Thanks Alla - I would like to elaborate on this.  At the end of the release we 
have to be able to articulate what we are doing and why, otherwise we reduce 
ONAPs credibility.  Part of this is ensuring architectural coherence and the 
appropriate project structure as part of our governance.   There maybe cases 
where we justify allowing overlap to explore innovative technologies etc, and 
in such cases we should broadly discuss so that we have a common understanding 
of why -  I haven't seen such justification here; furthermore we are producing 
a platform that should be applicable for different use cases, and if we have to 
introduce a new controller for each use case it implies that the existing 
controllers are insufficient and here we should understand why.  This is why I 
was OK when we said that this would be further discussed in the architecture, 
however if that is not the case I´ll go more into the details.

>From an architecture perspective.  The approved Beijing architecture is here: 

  *   It has a SDN-C which is stated to configure and maintain the health of 
L1-3 VNFs/PNfs and network services throughout their lifecycle
  *   It has an APPC to preform the functions to manage the lifecyle of VNFS 
and their components. (there is a description of what this specifically means)
  *   It has CCSDK
The longer term what was discussed as a generic NF controller and SDNC (i.e. 
consolidating the controllers).

Question: what is missing from the APPC / SDNC combination for this to be 
applied to 5G Use cases?  From this description is clear that APPC should be 
able to configure the RAN VNFs, or do I miss something?


>From a project perspective, the projects have a scope:
SDNC (which the SDNR subproject is subject to) (v6.1):
Project Description:
The SDN-C project provides a global network controller, built on the Common 
Controller Framework, which manages, assigns and provisions network resources.  
 As a "global" controller, the SDN-C project is intended to run as one logical 
instance per enterprise, with potentially multiple geographically diverse 
virtual machines / docker containers in clusters to provide high availability.  
The project also will support the ability to invoke other local SDN 
controllers, including third party SDN controllers

Project scope:
·         The following features are in scope for the SDN-C project for ONAP 
release 1:
·         Enhancements to support the ONAP release 1 use cases (vCPE, VoLTE)
·         Yang models,
·         Directed graphs
·         New Adapters needed to support use cases (details to be determined 
during planning phase)
·         Support for third party controllers:
·         Adapter to allow DG to connect to netconf devices (netconf-lite)
·         High availability (local)
·         The following features will be defined for the project:
·         Configuration versioning : ability to roll back the configuration
·         CLI adaptor : abstraction layer for CLI adaptor
·         Support for third party controllers:
·         Adapter layer to interface with downstream controllers
·         Support for geographically distributed network resources
·         QoS support

Project Description:
The Application Controller (APPC) performs functions to manage the lifecycle of 
VNFs and their components providing model driven configuration, abstracts 
cloud/VNF interfaces for repeatable actions, uses vendor agnostic mechanisms 
(NETCONF, Chef via Chef Server and Ansible) and enables automation.
·         Model and policy driven application controller with intrinsic VNF 
management capabilities.
·         Support of multi vendor system of VNFs with interdependence between 
·         Provide uploading capabilities of  standard data model which describe 
the management, configuration and inter-dependencies of the VNF.
·         APPC model will be based on ONAP TOSCA and Yang containing a 
dependency model, LCM recipes, configuration templates, policies etc.
·         APPC provides multi-protocol southbound plugins, including support 
for NETCONF, Chef via a Chef Server, and Ansible and ability to operate through 
vendor specific VNFM/EMS via adaptation through a plugin.
·         APPC provides a VNF configuration repository with the latest working 
configuration for each managed VNF instance it is responsible for.

  *   Support for complex ONAP use cases including vVOLTE (with vEPC)  and vCPE
  *   Provide Generic VNF LCM commands for Northbound consumers (SO, Policy, 
CMO, DCAE, etc.)
     *   The implementation of LCM commands will use an uploaded VNFD TOSCA 
model to infer an execution protocol and drive workflows
     *   Design-time ability to attach recipes (specified by Directed Graphs, 
aka DGs) to specific VNF LCM  commands, or "Actions" received via the 
Northbound APIs.
  *   Provide a model driven configuration API composed from a Yang-based VNF 
configuration model and set of templates to map payloads to the VNF 
configuration protocol.
     *   Provide configuration repository APIs getLatestConfig, configAudit etc.
  *   Manage the VNF operational state including Blocking, Sequencing and  
Session Throttling
  *   Provide conflict resolution for multiple LCM requests
  *   Provide flexible deployment options such as HA, single node or 
geo-distributed deployment
  *   Adaptation of additional NBI definitions established by ETSI-MANO using 
NFV-O to leverage existing APPC functions, including:
     *   Scale VNF
     *   Terminate VNF
     *   Query VNF
     *   Operate VNF
     *   Modify VNF Information
     *   Get Operation Status
  *   Adaptation of NBI definition at the orchestration level by invoking 
existing orchestrator functions, including:
     *   Create VNF Identifier
     *   Delete VNF Identifier
     *   Instantiate VNF
  *   Build additional DGs to implement new ETSI defined NB APIs not currently 
supported by APPC
     *   Scale VNF to Level
     *   Change VNF Flavour
     *   Heal VNF
  *   Support for GVNFM functionality through additional SB adapters to support:
     *   Bridging to a compliant S-VNFM when this functionality is provided by 
the VNF
     *   Utilize ETSI VNFD acquired from a VNF to define the configuration and 
management data model of the VNF.

>From the above, its hard for me to see that the scope of controlling a RAN is 
>in the purview of the SDNC project.  (Hence shouldn't be having Repos for that 
>functionality).  When the SDNR sub-project was raised, I was of the 
>understanding from the December developers conference that its fit was under 
>the SDNC scope of "New Adapters needed to support use cases (details to be 
>determined during planning phase)"

The concept of the a CCSDC based controller persona as being raised a few 
times, and indeed discussed in the architecture committee.  That is quite an 
interesting concept.  When we adopt that, there are a few questions that we 
need to consider:

  *   When adopting that properly in ONAP, then the tool to "create"/"design" 
the controller persona is should be included.  Without that, we are still 
building the controllers in ONAP in a traditional sense, utilizing common 
comonents (which is a good thing).
  *   When adopting that there are a few questions we need to consider: How 
many personas do we want to "create/design" and bring into the integration 
project.  Is the current project structure the right one?

For the sake of progress on Monday I was accepting that we state "controller" 
requirements with the details to be worked out with the architecture 
sub-committee as that is what I understood of the discussion.  This is due to 
that as I haven't seen the motivation for why the SDNC and APPC combination is 
not sufficient.   I don't think that placing this on a new controller or 
extending SDNC to cover VNF controller in general is the correct action at this 



From: onap-usecasesub-boun...@lists.onap.org 
[mailto:onap-usecasesub-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Alla Goldner
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 8:08 AM
To: Vladimir Yanover (vyanover) <vyano...@cisco.com>; Dhananjay Pavgi 
<dp00476...@techmahindra.com>; SHANKARANARAYANAN, N K (N K) 
<shan...@research.att.com>; onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org; onap-tsc <onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
Subject: Re: [Onap-usecasesub] [onap-tsc] The summary of Usecase subcommittee 
meeting 14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement


if I understood Steve's comment correctly, it is not about any particular name, 
but more about recognition of yet additional standalone controller, while we 
don't have it as a part of our architecture.
This is why the proposal is to contain it under SDN-C (as, also according to 
our architecture, this is SDN-C's sub-module/sub-project), but explain 
explicitly what this module's functionality is.

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Vladimir Yanover (vyanover) [mailto:vyano...@cisco.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 8:53 AM
To: Alla Goldner <alla.gold...@amdocs.com<mailto:alla.gold...@amdocs.com>>; 
Dhananjay Pavgi 
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-disc...@lists.onap.org>; onap-tsc 
Subject: RE: [Onap-usecasesub] [onap-tsc] The summary of Usecase subcommittee 
meeting 14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement

SDN-R is ONF project based on the Microwave Information Model TR-532, which is 
quite distant from what is needed for cellular RAN.
So what we knew as SDN-R in fact never was SDN Radio controller :)
Therefore we are free to keep the name SDN-R or find another good looking name. 
After all, it's just trademark.
I propose SADRAN= SoftwAre Defined RAN.

 On Behalf Of Alla Goldner
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:28 PM
To: Dhananjay Pavgi 
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-disc...@lists.onap.org>; onap-tsc 
Subject: Re: [Onap-usecasesub] [onap-tsc] The summary of Usecase subcommittee 
meeting 14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement


All proponents of SDN-R terminology - when I asked during the meeting are there 
any concerns regarding the compromise proposal of saying "SDN-C" and then 
explicitly describing the functionality of this sub-module, there were no 
concerns about it.

One additional sub-compromise :) - can we agree on calling it "SDN-R (SDN-C 

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Dhananjay Pavgi [mailto:dp00476...@techmahindra.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 7:07 AM
<shan...@research.att.com<mailto:shan...@research.att.com>>; Alla Goldner 
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-disc...@lists.onap.org>; onap-tsc 
Subject: RE: [onap-tsc] [Onap-usecasesub] The summary of Usecase subcommittee 
meeting 14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement

Concur with views below from Shankar. Why confuse by changing it to SDN-C when 
we know it's functionality quite "Radio" and wireless domain specific.

thanks & regards,
Dhananjay Pavgi
+91 98220 22264

From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
<onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>> On 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 8:39 AM
To: Alla Goldner <alla.gold...@amdocs.com<mailto:alla.gold...@amdocs.com>>; 
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-disc...@lists.onap.org>; onap-tsc 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] [Onap-usecasesub] The summary of Usecase subcommittee 
meeting 14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement


I don't understand the decision to change the SDN-R term after the several 
discussions in the 5G and SDN-R groups
using this term to describe the single ONAP OA&M controller persona (derived 
from CC-SDK) for mobility and wireless PNF/VNFs.
The reasons were articulated in the discussions. There has been momentum in 
using the SDN-R term, and changing it to SDN-C now causes confusion.



 [onap-usecasesub-boun...@lists.onap.org] on behalf of Alla Goldner 
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 4:21 AM
To: onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-usecase...@lists.onap.org>
Cc: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-disc...@lists.onap.org>; onap-tsc
Subject: [Onap-usecasesub] The summary of Usecase subcommittee meeting 
14/05/2017 - Casablanca use cases/functional requirements endorsement
Hi all,

Here is the summary of our yesterday's meeting.
Thanks to all meeting participants!

1.       We have fully endorsed the following use cases/functional requirements:

a.       OSAM

b.      Auto Scaling out

c.       Consistent representation and identification of a cloud region in ONAP

d.      Edge Automation through ONAP

2.       5G group of functional requirements is endorsed, with the following 

a.       Terminology of SDN-R will be replaced by SDN-C, while it will be 
clarified what is the functionality of the SDN-C sub-module (used to be called 
SDN-R) to cover necessary enhancements

b.      SON and slice optimization topics will be re-discussed till next 
Monday's Usecase subcommittee meeting by all interested parties. There are 
concerns expressed by Cisco (Vladimir Yanover) which require additional 
discussions. We will monitor their progress and see if consensus is achieved or 
this issue needs to be raised and decided by the TSC

3.       Casablanca's HPA and Change Management authors - please upload your 
proposals under 
 We will discuss them next Monday

4.       Cross Domain and Cross Layer VPN Service was presented for the first 
time yesterday. Some comments were received. Team will update according to the 
comments received and we will continue our discussion next Monday as well. 
Also, the team has asked for additional volunteering companies to participate 
in this development (please approach Lingli and Lin in case of interest)

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


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