Thanks, Phil, for the writeup.  I think this addresses some of the 
concerns on our two previous proposals.

Just for clarity:

- Under option 1, in the 2018 exception, are any "appointments" in 
addition to the 17 base TSC member size?  If so, please clarify.

- Under option 2, is the second election done before or after the base TSC 
election?  Are those two at-large seats in addition to the 17 base seats? 
Is there any difference in separate elections vs. just looking at the base 
election and taking the top 2 vote-getters that were excluded because of 
the 1 per company cap?

Jason Hunt 
Distinguished Engineer, IBM 

Phone: 314-749-7422
Twitter: @DJHunt

From:   Phil Robb <>
To:     Jason Hunt <>
Cc:     onap-tsc <>
Date:   06/20/2018 04:46 PM
Subject:        Re: [onap-tsc] ONAP TSC Composition - TSC Members, please 
provide your input

Hello TSC Members:

We had a discussion on TSC Composition during the Casablanca Developer 
Forum on Tuesday.  During that discussion Stephen Terrill and Chris Donley 
elaborated on the proposal provided by Jason in this email thread.  During 
the discussion, this approach was received relatively well by those in the 
room.  I asked Stephen and Chris to write up the proposal so that we could 
add it to this thread.  The proposal follows:

Service Provider: AT&T, Bell, CMCC, China Telecom, Orange, Reliance Jio, 
Turk Telecom, Verizon, Vodafone

Active Contributor: Active contributors are determined based on 
contributions to Git, Gerrit, Jira, and Confluence Require 20 
contributions in total over a 12-month period, counting any of patches 
merged, reviews made, Wiki page edits, and JIRA activities:

Option 1:
Base TSC Size: 17
Base TSC selection is  performed through​ ​one big ranked vote conducted 
via CIVS
​Eligibility ​to apply/run​: Active contributors
​Eligibility​ to Vote: Active contributors
Base Company Cap: 1 ​TSC Member ​per company

The following is valid for the year of 2018
If a service provider (defined above) ​does not have any staff member who 
is eligible to run for the​ election under the criteria above, that 
service provider may appoint a person to the TSC .
If a service provider has one or more staff members that are eligible to 
run for the election, they are encouraged to do so.  If no eligible person 
wins a TSC spot in the election, then the company may appoint the highest 
relatively ranked staff member from the election to the TSC.
If a service provider does have one or more staff members that are 
eligible to run but choose not to, then that service provider​ may not 
appoint a person to the TSC.

If a TSC member is absent​ (​and does not ​provide a proxy) for 3 
consecutive meetings, that person is removed from the TSC.  The person may 
request to be reinstated by the TSC​.  In such an event the TSC may 
approve the reinstatement by a simple majority vote.​
 Option 2:

Option 1 with the following modifications
A separate election is proposed for 2 community at large members with the 
same criteria and process for the Base TSC election with the exception 
that this is not subject to the one person per company rule.

After the election, there is no difference between Base TSC or a member 
appointed by other means.

​Please provide your questions and/or feedback on this proposal.  We will 
discuss this at the TSC meeting tomorrow​.

Best regards,


On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Phil Robb <> 
Hi Jason:

I think your proposal works fine as well.  I will caution the TSC that 
with a cap of one person per company, we will have a dynamic where 
qualified people from our participating organizations, both operators and 
vendors, will possibly choose not to run for the TSC because they don't 
want to compete for the one TSC slot with other, often higher ranking, 
coworker(s).  So for some organizations it will be a more meritocratic 
selection, and for other organizations it will be more like an 

We are adding a session this afternoon to talk through the TSC 
composition, in part because there has not been very much input on this 
thread, and the TSC should be close to a vote on this topic by  Thursday.  
We don't have a lot of time in the Thursday TSC session for a lengthy 
discussion on this topic given the number of other agenda items for that 



On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Jason Hunt <> wrote:

Thanks for pulling this summary together. I think you've captured some of 
the key decision points from the survey. 

For Option 1, I might propose a slightly different way of handling the 
voting to still strive toward the desired operator representation while 
advocating meritocracy:

- Pick a TSC size (say 15)
- Take the top 15 ranking individuals (one per company) from the voting
- Those operators not represented in the top 15 are allowed to appoint a 
TSC representative for this cycle only. This would be a one-time increase 
in the size of the TSC above the desired size.

The primary reason is to conduct a fully meritocratic vote for the top 15, 
giving the community a sense of elected leadership. The implication could 
be a larger than desired TSC for this cycle (maybe 20+) and maybe not a 
full 50% operator representation. The vote would also give a feeling for 
how many operators might be represented in a fully meritocractic TSC -- 
that way the TSC knows for the next cycle if any adjustments to TSC 
composition will be required to ensure adequate operator representation.


Jason Hunt 
Distinguished Engineer, IBM 

Phone: 314-749-7422
Twitter: @DJHunt

Phil Robb ---06/14/2018 11:28:04 AM---Hello ONAP TSC Members: Based on the 
survey [0] that was conducted across both the TSC members and

From: Phil Robb <>
To: onap-tsc <>
Date: 06/14/2018 11:28 AM
Subject: [onap-tsc] ONAP TSC Composition - TSC Members, please provide 
your input
Sent by:

Hello ONAP TSC Members:

Based on the survey [0] that was conducted across both the TSC members and 
the ONAP developer community at-large, the following general attributes 
for this election have been identified:
TSC Composition 
​general ​recommendations from the Survey 
Allowed to run:  Active Contributors
Allowed to vote:  Active Contributors
Size of TSC: 15 to 19
Composition: Ideally, 50% (9) or more Operators
Company Cap: 
​*​1 per company
In this election, 
​have ​reserved spots for Operators (AT&T, Bell, CMCC, China Telecom, 
Orange, Reliance Jio, Turk Telecom, Verizon, Vodafone) - (A narrow 
majority in survey - Slide 14)
Reserved spots for all ONAP Platinum members including Vendors was a split 
vote (Slide 15)

Given the above criteria, for this election, the following are 3 options 
that could be considered:
​Option 1
TSC Cap 17, 18, or 19 (to target 50% operators)
At least one person from each of the 9 Operators must run
Bios, pics, and “
statement​s of intent” up on the website for at least 1 week.
One big ranked vote conducted via CIVS
​ranked ​operators ​are identified​ (9 spots​ - one per operator 
Remaining positions taken by top ranking 
​individuals - one per company​ ​
​Option 2​
Each existing Platinum Member of ONAP circa Jan. 2018  invited to appoint 
a TSC rep. (19 Members
​ * Causes issue for LFN Platinum Members that were not originally part 
of ONAP​ as of January 1st
​Option 3​
Each existing Platinum Member of LFN invited to appoint a TSC rep. (27 
Members) (adds ARM, Lenovo, NEC/Netcracker, Qualcomm, Samsung, Suse, Red 
Hat, Juniper)
Fails the ~50% Operator goal
​, as well as desired size of TSC​
Please​ consider these options and provide your thoughts, questions, 
and/or alternatives to consider.

​We need to close on this topic with a vote by the end of June, so time 
is of the essence at this point.

* From previous experience, capping TSC membership to one person per 
company can cause the side-effect of company employees who would otherwise 
be very qualified for the position choose *not* to run against another, 
often more senior, person within their company.  This can produce a 
sub-optimal result in TSC make-up.


Thanks and best regards,

Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb_______________________________________________
ONAP-TSC mailing list

Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb

Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb

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