+1 to congrats to new PTLs.
Lingli/邓灵莉中国移动通信研究院denglin...@chinamobile.com ----邮件原文----发件人:"GILBERT, MAZIN E (MAZIN E)" <ma...@research.att.com>收件人:"ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org" <ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org>抄 送: "GATHMAN, JONATHAN C" <jg1...@att.com>,"VENKATESH KUMAR, VIJAY" <vv7...@att.com>,"BENNETT, RICH" <rb2...@att.com>,GEEREBAERT MatthieuIMT/OLS <matthieu.geereba...@orange.com>,"Yang, Bin" <bin.y...@windriver.com>,Mike Elliott <mike.elli...@amdocs.com>,"CHO,TAKAMUNE" <tc0...@att.com>发送时间:2018-08-21 08:26:05主题:Re: [onap-tsc] List of new elected PTLs Let me second that. Congratulations to our new PTLs. Mazin Sent through AT&T39s fastest network On Aug 20, 2018, at 7:12 PM, "gildas.lani...@huawei.com" <gildas.lani...@huawei.com> wrote: Hi TSC Members, I realized it was never officially announced the names of the new PTLs that were elected and took over in Casablanca release. So the new PTLs are: 1. Jonathan Gathman(replacing Ram Koya) for AAF 2. Takamune Cho (replacing Randa Maher) for APPC 3. Vijay Venkatesh Kumar(replacing Lusheng Ji) for DCAE 4. Rich Bennett Interim (replacing Gregory Glover) for Documentation (interim position) 5. Matthieu Geerebaert(replacing Andy Mayer)for Ext API 6. Bin Yang (replacing lixinhui) for Multi Vim 7. Mike Elliott (replacing David Sauvageau) for OOM Congratulations to the new PTLs and thanks a lot for the hard work the departing PTLs have made to the ONAP community. The Contact info has been updated accordingly in wiki. Thanks, Gildas <image001.png> Gildas Lanilis ONAP Release Manager Santa Clara CA, USA gildas.lani...@huawei.com Mobile: 1 415 238 6287 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#3625): https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3625 Mute This Topic: https://lists.onap.org/mt/24830491/21656 Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/leave/2743226/1412191262/xyzzy [arch...@mail-archive.com] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-